Virtual Trade Show

Plenary Sessions--Open to the Public

Opening Plenary Session, Sunday, August 2, 5-6:30 pm

Albuquerque Convention Center

Sandra L. PostelWelcome and Greetings: Katherine S. McCarter, ESA Executive Director
Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Sunny Power, ESA President
Keynote Speaker: Sandra L. Postel, Director, Global Water Policy Project.
Author of Last Oasis, Pillar of Sand, and (co-author) Rivers for Life.
Title: Strategies to sustain earth's freshwater ecosystems


Opening Scientific Plenary and Awards Ceremony, Monday, August 3, 8-10:00 am

Albuquerque Convention Center

Monica  TurnerWelcome and Greetings: Katherine S. McCarter, ESA Executive Director
Presider: Sunny Power, ESA President
Presentation of 2009 ESA Awards
Keynote Speaker: Monica Turner, ESA MacArthur Lecturer
Dept of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Title: Disturbance and landscape dynamics in a changing world



Recent Advances Lecture, Wednesday, August 5, 12:15-1:15 pm

Albuquerque Convention Center

Diane Pataki, University of California, IrvinePresider: Scott Franklin, ESA Program Chair
Keynote Speaker: Diane Pataki, Associate Professor
Dept. of Earth System Science and Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of California, Irvine
Title: Urban ecosystem services: Advances and uncertainties



Albuquerque Skyline Night

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