

Live webcasts of keynote speakers at the ESA Millennium Conference

Monday, November 9                1-5 PM ET
Tuesday, November 10              8:30-10:10 AM ET
Thursday, November 12             9:50-11:50 AM   ET

During these times, live webcasts of the keynote speakers at the ESA Millennium Conference, “Water-Ecosystem Services, Drought, and Environmental Justice”, will be available from this website. Also, a Wiki page has been set up so that viewers of the webcasts can submit questions for the speakers. This wiki page will be monitored by a volunteer at the Conference who will ask these submitted questions to the speakers on behalf of the webcast viewers.


You must have the most recent version of RealPlayer on your computer to view the webcasts. Download it for free at www.real.com/.

  1. During the times listed above, click on this link to access the live webcast: (real.cc.uga.edu/ramgen/broadcast/esa.rm).
  2. In the dialog box, select “Open with RealPlayer”, and click OK.
  3. In a separate tab or window of your Internet browser, click on this link to access the Wiki page: (esamillenniumconference.wikispaces.com).
    1. To submit questions for keynote speakers:
      1. Click on the “Submit Questions Here” link on the lefthand menu bar of the Wiki page.
      2. Click “Edit” in the upper righthand corner of the page.
      3. Enter your text
      4. Click “Save” in the “Editor” toolbar at the top of the page.

Monday, November 9, 2009
1:00-5:00 PM

1:00-1:10 PM: Welcome: The Promise of the Millennium Conference Series
NANCY GRIMM, Arizona State University

1:10-1:20 PM: Agenda overview

1:20-2:10 PM: Building State and National Water Resource Policies from the Ground Up
CAROL COUCH, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

2:10-3:00 PM: Rethinking the Urban Ecosystem: Environmental Equity and Sustainable, Livable Communities Through Forestry

3:20-4:10 PM: Drought, Adaptation, and Decision-Making in a Changing Climate: Learning and Not Doing
ROGER PULWARTY, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

4:10-5:00 PM: Freshwater Ecosystems in a Increasingly Uncertain Hydrologic Future
EMILY BERNHARDT, Duke University

Tuesday, November  10, 2009
8:30-10:10 AM

8:30-9:20 AM: Maintaining Freshwater Aquatic Ecosystems in a Changed Climate: The Fundamental Changes We Must Make
DENISE FORT, University of New Mexico

9:20-10:10 AM: Georgia’s Water Management Challenge: Integrating Science and Management
TODD RASMUSSEN, University of Georgia

Thursday, November 12, 2009
9:50-11:50 AM

9:50-11:50 AM: Science, Sustainability, and Environmental Equity: A Synthesis Panel
An ecological perspective: BOB NAIMAN, University of Washington
A social science perspective: KIRSTIN DOW, University of South Caroline
A policy perspective: TBA