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Categories and tags

As a quick rule of thumb, the category is the “section” of the website the post belongs in and is generally quite broad. Tags specify other areas the post relates to or specific things mentioned in the post to facilitate searching.
Categories help put posts in stable lists, like those in the top of some sidebars (like the “Chapter Awards and Officers” section on the Chapters page) while post tags generally put posts in dynamic lists, like the “More about Award Winners” sidebar section on the Awards page.

Posts should almost always have only ONE category, but can have an unlimited number of tags.

Let’s use this post announcing Bob Paine’s passing as an example. We want it to show up on our blog page and for it to have the “Main” sidebar. To make it show up on the blog page, it should have the “News” category. We want the “Related information” widget in the sidebar to show other things on the site that are related to this post, so we can tag it with “Biographies” and “Bob Paine.” Now other posts that are tagged Bob Paine or Biographies will show up in the sidebar.
Exceptions to the one category rule are typically found in Biographies posts. For different kinds of biographies posts to show up both in the appropriate Biographies section (like Profiles or Microbiographies) and in the lists on the Diversity or Women in Ecology page, they should be categorized as the appropriate biography type and then as Underrepresented and/or Women in Ecology. The Diversity page lists racialized, disabled, queer, and transgender ecologists (who may, of course, be women) while the Women in Ecology page lists exclusively women (including transgender women).
The only posts in the Meetings category should be the meetings tables and main meeting posts like this.