ESA charter member answers in the 1917 handbook
See 1917 Handbook as Spreadsheet for more information.
ID# | Last, first | Name/position/address | (1) On what ecological topics have you published papers? | (2) In what ecological subjects have you a special interest, or work in progress? | (3) In what localities have you carried on ecological work? | (4) With what regions are you slightly familiar? | (5) In what taxonomic groups are you particularly interested? (italics indicate willingness to identify material in that group). | (6) With what experimental methods have you had the most experience? | (7) With what field instruments have you worked? |
1 | ADAMS, CHARLES C. | ADAMS, CHARLES C., State College of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. Professor of Forest Zoology (Ph.D.). | General principles of animal (and plant) ecology; general physiology and behavior; ecology of aquatic and forest animals; ecology and geographical distribution of animals (and plants). | Ill., Tenn., Mont., N. Y. | Va., Ala. | ||||
2 | ALDOUS, A.E. | ALDOUS, A.E., Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Assistant in charge of range investigations (B.S.). | Problems of plant ecology connected with range management. | Problems of plant ecology connected with range management. | National Forests of Idaho and Utah. | Cal., Ore., Ariz., N. M. | |||
3 | ALLEE, W. C | ALLEE, W. C, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Ill. Professor of Biology. | Seasonal successions in old forest ponds; rheotaxis in the isopod Asellus communis; reactions of fresh water fishes to environmental changes (with V. E. Shelford). | Relation of animal responses to environmental stimuli; analysis of the causes of animal reactions. | Chicago area; Woods Hole, Mass.; Norman, Okla.; Arbuckle Mts., Okla. | Berkshire Hills, Mass.; sandstone regions of western Ind. | Control of fresh water environment and of reactions of fresh water animals, particularly their rheotatic reaction. | Quantitative and qualitative collecting nets for fresh water; various devices for studying animal responses in the field under controlled conditions. | |
4 | ANDERSON, MARK | ANDERSON, MARK, Forest Service, Ogden, Utah. Grazing Examiner. | Grazing Capacity of forest ranges. | Caribou, Farghee and Sawtooth Forests, southern Idaho. | Manti and Sevier Forests, Utah; Ruby and Santa Rosa Forests, Nev. | Gramineae, Rosaeeae and Compositae. | Quadrat charting to determine changes taking place in vegetation on ranges. | ||
5 | ANDREWS, ETHAN ALLEN | ANDREWS, ETHAN ALLEN, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Professor of Zoology. | Distribution of Folliculina in branches of Chesapeake Bay. | Fresh and salt water forms of Neritina Jamaica, W.I. Colonies of Formica in Baltimore Co., Md. | Md., Jamaica. | New England, Md. | Crayfish, Annelids. | Tow net. | |
6 | BAILEY, IRVING W. | BAILEY, IRVING W., Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. Assistant Professor of Forestry. | The climatic factor in the evolution and dispersal of herbaceous Angiosperms. The effects of environment upon the form and structure of the Angiosperm leaf. | The effects of environment upon the form, structure, and distribution of Angiosperms; climates and vegeta tion of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic, | Silvicultural problems in New England, Pa., and W. Va. | West coast of South America. | Angiosperms. | Silvicultural. | Those used in forestry and meteorological stations. |
7 | BAKER, FRANK COLLINS | BAKER, FRANK COLLINS, New York College of Forestry, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Zoological investigator. | Ecology of Mollusca. | Relation of mollusks to fish. | Yucatan, Mexico, Fla., Ill., Mich., Wis., N. Y., Ind. | North America, including Middle America. | Mollusca. | Breeding mollusks. | Various. |
8 | BAKER, HORACE BURRINGTON | BAKER, HORACE BURRINGTON, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. Instructor in Zoology. | Physiographic and Molluscan Succession in Lake Pools; Circinaria concava from Cheboygan Co., Mich.; variation in Lymnea reflexa, from Huron County; Mollusca, in A Biol. Surv. of Sand Dune Region; notes on Mollusca of Douglas Lake Region. | Uniones of Douglas Lake; Mollusca of Dickinson Co., Mich.; habitat and seasonal distribution of Orthoptera of Pike's Peak region. | Ann Arbor, Mich. ; Cuatotolapam, Mexico (State of Vera Cruz) ; Colorado Springs, Colo., and that region. | In between. | Mollusca, Orthoptera of Colorado. | Those used in work on response of clams to various factors of environment. | |
9 | BAKKE, ARTHUR L. | BAKKE, ARTHUR L., Iowa State College, Ames, IA. Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology. | Studies on the transpiring power of plants as indicated by the method of hygromtrie paper. The index of foliar transpiring power as an indicator of wilting. | Transpiring power; transpiring power and wilting. | Desert Laboratory; University of Chicago. | Regions about Tucson, Ariz., Chicago, Ill., central and northern la. | Atmometer; transpiration clip. | ||
10 | BALL, E. D. | BALL, E. D., State Capitol, Madison, Wis. State Entomologist (Ph.D.). | Relation of leaf hopper to food plant and environment; distribution of leaf hoppers with reference to host plant and environment; froth production of spittle-insects; insects in arid climate. | Ohio, Iowa, Colo., Utah, Cal. | Dak., Kans., Neb., N. M. Ariz., Idaho, Ore., Wash. | Homoptera, Leaf hoppers, Tree hoppers. | Cage experiments and field observation. |
Showing 1 to 10 of 307 entries