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Past PPE Newsletters

April 2021

Dear PPE members,

We would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.

  1. Plant Population Ecology Postdoctoral Excellence Award nominations are now open. Nominate yourself or a postdoc with an outstanding plant ecology paper published in 2020. Applications are due June 1, 2021 (UPDATE: We have extended the deadline to 15 June 2021). Please see announcement below or check out our webpage for more information:
  2. Student Registration Award applications are now being accepted for the 2021 Annual Meeting. Applications are due April 30, 2021. For more information and to apply, please visit ESA’s centralized awards webpage:
  3. Highlighted members: Have you read an exciting plant ecology paper by an early-career PPE member? We welcome nominations for Highlighted Early Career Members at any time (including self-nominations; So, please nominate your early-career (student, post-doctoral, or faculty) colleagues by sending a brief email to Secretary Gaurav Kandlikar ( stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author.
  4. Please consider making a monetary donation to the PPE Section in support of our student travel and post-doc awards. Monetary donations are tax-deductible, and ESA will provide a letter to this effect. To make a donation to the section, simply mail a check to ESA (Elizabeth Biggs, Ecological Society of America, 1990 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036) and include a note that the donation is for the Plant Population Ecology Section.
  5. You can also stay up to date with section news, job postings, and more by following the section’s Facebook page (, webpage (, and Twitter account (@PlantPopEco_ESA). 

Best wishes,

Nicole, Matt, and Gaurav


February 2021

Dear PPE members,

We hope you are well. We would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.

  1. Every two years our members elect a new ViceChair for the section who serves in the position for two years and then becomes section Chair for two years. Nicole Rafferty’s tenure as Chair ends this year, and Matt Koski will take on that role.

We are opening self-nominations for candidates for our next Vice-Chair, in accordance with Section bylaws regarding elections (included below, along with description of the duties of both Vice-Chair and Chair). If you are interested in running for this position, please send a short CV and a brief statement detailing your academic/research background and interests in serving the section to Secretary Gaurav Kandlikar ( Deadline for nominations is March 5, 2021, and the election will take place shortly after. Questions about the position and duties, which are listed below, can be sent to Nicole (

Also, if you know a section member who you think is well suited for the position, please encourage them to self-nominate. New leaders with new ideas help PPE thrive! This is a great opportunity to have a high-profile service contribution (national leadership!) with relatively little effort. Looks great on tenure or promotion packages!

  1. Important service opportunity: ESA is requesting help in reviewing contributed abstracts for the 2021 Annual Meeting. Reviewers will be asked to complete their reviews online over a 2-week period in March. Any ESA member is eligible to serve as a reviewer, including students and postdocs. ESA anticipates assigning 50-75 abstracts to each reviewer. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Nicole at by February 22 with your name, institution, and email address.
  2. We are seeking a student to serve as the PPE representative for ESA’s Student Section in preparation for the 2021 ESA Annual Meeting. The student representative from PPE would interact with other representatives across ESA sections, organized by Vanessa Blevines, the ESA Student Section Liaison Coordinator.

If you are interested in being PPE’s student rep for ESA 2021, we are taking self-nominations. The only requirement is that you are currently a student and are currently a PPE member. To self-nominate please e-mail Matt at and state that you are currently a student and a PPE member.

  1. Have you read an exciting plant ecology paper by an early-career PPE member? We welcome nominations for Highlighted Early Career Members at any time (including self-nominations; So, please nominate your early-career (student, post-doctoral, or faculty) colleagues by sending a brief email to Gaurav ( stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author.
  2. Please consider making a monetary donation to the PPE Section in support of our student travel and post-doc awards. Monetary donations are tax-deductible, and ESA will provide a letter to this effect. To make a donation to the section, simply mail a check to ESA (Elizabeth Biggs, Ecological Society of America, 1990 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036) and include a note that the donation is for the Plant Population Ecology Section.
  3. You can also stay up to date with section news, job postings, and more by following the section’s Facebook page (, webpage (, and Twitter account (@PlantPopEco_ESA). 

Best wishes,

Nicole, Matt, and Gaurav

To join PPE if you are not currently an ESA member, simply click the box for this section when you join. You will be charged $5.

To join PPE if you are already an ESA member, log into your account (

On the left there is a tab that says, “Renew/Membership Options.” If you click on that (even though you are up to date on your membership), you can select additional sections or chapters to join. They cost $5 each.

From PPE Bylaws:

ELECTIONS. The Executive Committee will put out a call for nominations with a deadline of no fewer than thirty days. Any member may place names on the ballot. The Executive Committee may nominate candidates to ensure at least one candidate for each open position. The slate of nominees and ballots shall be sent to Section members during the spring of each year, no later than sixty days before the annual business meeting of the Section. The winner shall be the person receiving a plurality of the votes. Balloting shall be at least thirty days in duration; results shall be announced prior to the annual business meeting. If an officer is unable to carry out the duties of the office, the Executive Committee shall hold a special election, using the procedure described above, and the person elected shall serve for the remainder of the term.

DUTIES OF THE CHAIRPERSON. The Chairperson shall preside at the business meeting of the Section, shall authorize expenditures of Section funds, shall serve as Section representative on Council, and shall promote the interests of the Section. The Chairperson shall appoint committees as required to promote the interests of the Section and designate persons to serve on society committees. Such committees and persons shall serve until the next annual meeting of the Section and may be reappointed at the discretion of the new Chairperson.

Article 8. DUTIES OF THE VICE-CHAIRPERSON. The Vice-Chairperson shall serve as Program Officer of the Section and shall work closely with the Program Officer of the parent Society, Program Officers of other sections, and representatives of other relevant professional societies, in developing activities of the Section for professional meetings, including field trips, organized oral sessions, special poster sessions, and symposia for the annual meetings. The Vice-Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson whenever that person is unable to act.



August 2020

Dear PPE members,

We hope you are well. Although we will miss seeing you in person at the ESA Annual Meeting, we appreciate your membership and hope to gather for our section mixer next year. In the meantime, we would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.

Officer News

Many thanks to our outgoing Secretary, Nick Barber, for his years of service! Nick served two terms as Secretary and did an outstanding job. Thank you, Nick, for all your support of the PPE Section.

Please welcome Gaurav Kandlikar as the new Secretary.

Nicole Rafferty and Matt Koski continue in their roles as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively.

Award Winners

Please join us in congratulating this year’s award winners!

Sade Perez Partridge, Alejandra Martínez-Blancas, and Verónica Zepeda each received a Student Registration Grant to participate in the ESA Annual Meeting.

Po-Ju Ke received the Postdoctoral Excellence Award for the paper “Effects of soil microbes on plant competition: a perspective from modern coexistence theory” published in 2020 in Ecological Monographs with co-author Joe Wan.

This year we have a double dose of generosity associated with the Postdoctoral Excellence Award: we thank AoB PLANTS for generously providing the $500 prize associated with this award, and we thank Po-Ju Ke for generously donating this prize to support future student travel awards emphasizing diversity and inclusion.

You can read more about AoB PLANTS, a non-profit, sound science, open access journal for plant-focused research here:

PPE-Related Presentations at ESA 2020

Take a look at our list of plant ecology-related presentations at ESA 2020 and help support our award winners by checking out their talks and posters:

We initially populated the list to emphasize talks that have live Q&A sessions, but we welcome additions of any plant ecology-related presentations. Please use the link to add your own plant ecology talk or poster to the list! Thanks to Gaurav for taking the lead in compiling this list.

Highlighted Members

Have you read an exciting plant ecology paper by an early-career PPE member? We welcome nominations for Highlighted Early Career Members at any time (including self-nominations; So, please nominate your early-career (student, post-doctoral, or faculty) colleagues by sending a brief email to Gaurav Kandlikar ( stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author.

Support the PPE Section

Please consider making a monetary donation to the PPE Section in support of our student travel and post-doc awards. Monetary donations are tax-deductible, and ESA will provide a letter to this effect. To make a donation to the section, simply mail a check to ESA (Elizabeth Biggs, Ecological Society of America, 1990 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036) and include a note that the donation is for the Plant Population Ecology Section.

Follow Us

You can stay up to date with section news, job postings, and more by following the section’s Facebook page (, webpage (, and Twitter account (@PlantPopEco_ESA).

Best wishes,

Nicole, Matt, and Nick

To join PPE if you are not currently an ESA member, simply click the box for this section when you join. You will be charged $5.

To join PPE if you are already an ESA member, log into your account (

On the left there is a tab that says, “Renew/Membership Options.” If you click on that (even though you are up to date on your membership), you can select additional sections or chapters to join. They cost $5 each.



June 2020

Dear Plant Population Ecology Section Members,

Please vote for the next PPE Section Secretary. Gaurav Kandlikar has been nominated and has agreed to serve. Gaurav’s statement and CV are available at the voting link below.

You can vote in the next 30 days at the following link:

Thanks very much,

Nicole, Matt, and Nick

Please see the officer description from our by-laws:

Article 4. OFFICERS. The officers of the Section shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and
Secretary-Treasurer. The Vice-Chairperson and the Secretary shall be elected by a vote of the
section; the Vice-Chairperson will assume the position of Chairperson at the end of her or his
term. The terms of office for all officers shall be two years, with election of the Vice Chairperson
in odd numbered years and the Secretary-Treasurer in even numbered years. The official terms of
office shall commence with the close of the annual meeting and shall continue until their
successors assume office.

April 2020

Dear PPE members,

Hope you are staying well. We would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.

  • PPE Secretary nominations are now open. This is a great opportunity to have a high-profile service contribution (national leadership!) with relatively little effort. Looks great on job applications or on tenure or promotion packages! The Secretary runs the section’s Facebook and Twitter accounts and updates the webpage.

Please submit nominations (self-nominations are welcome!) including a CV and 200-word statement detailing your background and interests to Nicole Rafferty ( by May 25, 2020. We will announce the candidates in late May.

  • Plant Population Ecology Postdoctoral Excellence Award nominations are now open. Nominate yourself or a postdoc with an outstanding plant ecology paper published in 2019 or 2020. Please see announcement below or check out our webpage for more information:
  • Please stay tuned for the announcement for Student Travel Awards, which will come from ESA this year, as they open a new, centralized application process (
  • Highlighted members: Have you read an exciting plant ecology paper by an early-career PPE member? We welcome nominations for Highlighted Early Career Members at any time (including self-nominations; So, please nominate your early-career (student, post-doctoral, or faculty) colleagues by sending a brief email to Nick Barber ( stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author.
  • Please consider making a monetary donation to the PPE Section in support of our student travel and post-doc awards. Monetary donations are tax-deductible, and ESA will provide a letter to this effect. To make a donation to the section, simply mail a check to ESA (Elizabeth Biggs, Ecological Society of America, 1990 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036) and include a note that the donation is for the Plant Population Ecology Section.
  • You can also stay up to date with section news, job postings, and more by following the section’s Facebook page (, webpage (, and Twitter account (@PlantPopEco_ESA). 

Best wishes,

Nicole, Matt, and Nick

To join PPE if you are not currently an ESA member, simply click the box for this section when you join. You will be charged $5.

To join PPE if you are already an ESA member, log into your account (

On the left there is a tab that says, “Renew/Membership Options.” If you click on that (even though you are up to date on your membership), you can select additional sections or chapters to join. They cost $5 each.

Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology

The Plant Population Ecology (PPE) section of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) is pleased to announce the 2020 Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology, sponsored by the journal AoB PLANTS. This honor is presented at ESA’s annual meeting each August and recognizes a distinguished journal contribution to plant population ecology within the past three years by a postdoctoral member of the PPE section. The winner will receive an award of $500 from AoB PLANTS. Established in 2010 and published by Oxford University Press, AoB PLANTS is a non-profit, open-access journal specializing in environmental and evolutionary plant biology. The journal has distinguished Advisory and Editorial Boards, renders first decisions on manuscripts in an average of 35 days, and has a 2018 Impact Factor score of 2.27. 

Eligibility – Applicants must have received their Ph.D. degrees between January 1, 2016 and Dec 31, 2019 and be a current member of the PPE section (if applicants are not a member of ESA or the PPE section, they can join prior to applying). Applicants must be first author on the publication, which may result from either dissertation or postdoctoral research. Publications in any journal are eligible, provided they were published within the past calendar year (January December 2019). Manuscripts that were accepted for publication by December 2019 may also be submitted for consideration. Only one publication will be considered per applicant. 

Application – To apply, submit a single, merged pdf file with both a qualifying manuscript and a 200-word statement describing how the paper advances the field of plant population ecology. Applications should be emailed to the PPE Secretary Nick Barber ( by 5 pm EST on May 31, 2020, using “ESA PPE – AoBP Postdoc Award” as the subject line.

Applications will be assessed by the PPE Executive Board. The award will be announced at the annual meeting of the ESA during the PPE section mixer on Wednesday, August 5, 2020. The recipient is strongly encouraged to attend the PPE mixer to be recognized and to accept the award.

January 2020

Dear PPE members,

Hope you are all having a wonderful winter! We would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.

  • Many thanks to our outgoing Chair, Jean Burns, for her years of service! Thank you, Jean, for all your support of the PPE section. Please welcome Matt Koski as the new Vice Chair. Nicole Rafferty and Nick Barber continue in their roles as Chair and Secretary, respectively.
  • Important service opportunity for members of the PPE Section: ESA is requesting help in reviewing contributed abstracts for the 2020 Annual Meeting. Reviewers will be asked to complete their reviews online over a 3-week period in March. Any ESA member is eligible to serve as a reviewer, including students and postdocs. ESA anticipates assigning 100-150 abstracts to each reviewer. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Nicole at
  • Highlighted members: Have you read an exciting plant ecology paper by an early-career PPE member? We welcome nominations for Highlighted Early Career Members at any time (including self-nominations; So, please nominate your early-career (student, post-doctoral, or faculty) colleagues by sending a brief email to Nick ( stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author.
  • Fundraiser 2019: Many thanks to all the donors, helpers, and buyers who participated in the annual PPE fundraiser! Funds will go towards our section’s student travel awards.

Keep in mind potential items that could be donated for the ESA 2020 fundraiser!

Your nature photos are especially welcome! Photos will be mat mounted, or used to create notecards for sale at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting. Plants and plant-pollinator interactions are especially welcome, but all sorts of nature photos would be great. If you send photos, please include information about how you would like to be credited and please include species identification, if known.

Nature themed crafts, including quilts, jewelry, and pottery are also very welcome.

Please send photos (4 x 6 especially, but any sizes welcome) or other donations now to:

Nicole Rafferty

Department of EEOB

University of California, Riverside

900 University Ave

Riverside, CA 92521

Don’t have time to print photos? You can also send digital images (try to narrow it down to your favorite dozen or so!) to Nicole at: Again, please include species ID, if known, and information about how you would like to be credited.

Donations may also be brought to the ESA annual meeting in Salt Lake City, 2020. Hope to see you at our exhibit hall booth.

Best wishes,

Nicole, Matt, and Nick

To join PPE if you are not currently an ESA member, simply click the box for this section when you join. You will be charged $5.

To join PPE if you are already an ESA member, log into your account (

On the left there is a tab that says, “Renew/Membership Options.” If you click on that (even though you are up to date on your membership), you can select additional sections or chapters to join. They cost $5 each.

June 2019

Dear Plant Population Ecology Section,
Please vote for the next PPE section Vice Chair by 30 June 2019. Matt Koski has been nominated and agreed to serve. For more details on Matt and his goals for PPE, see Matt’s candidate statement, biosketch, and CV.
Vote at the following link to vote:
Thanks very much!
Jean, Nick and Nicole
Please see the officer description below from our by-laws:
Article 4. OFFICERS. The officers of the Section shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary-Treasurer. The Vice-Chairperson and the Secretary shall be elected by a vote of the section; the Vice-Chairperson will assume the position of Chairperson at the end of her or his term. The terms of office for all officers shall be two years, with election of the Vice Chairperson in odd numbered years and the Secretary-Treasurer in even numbered years. The official terms of office shall commence with the close of the annual meeting and shall continue until their successors assume office.

July 2018

Dear PPE section members,

Mark your calendar for the annual PPE section mixer on Wednesday, August 8 from 6:30-8 pm. Come mingle with fellow PPE members and members of the Vegetation Ecology section, meet this year’s PPE award winners, and enjoy some light refreshments. There will be a cash bar. We hope to see you there!

Please be sure to bring some items for the annual fund raiser! Proceeds support our student travel awards. Plan to visit the PPE booth in the exhibit hall of the convention center during the annual meeting. To make this years’ fund raiser a success we need donations from you. Popular items from past auctions have included books, jewelry, pottery, and hand-knit items. If you plan to donate items to the fund raiser, please email Nicole at

Most of our budget comes from section dues rather than the annual fund raiser. If every PPE member reached out to recruit one new member, our ability to support students and other activities would be greatly enhanced. Many students do not know that you can join multiple sections for a mere $5 each, and that PPE provides opportunities for travel awards, mentoring, highlighting members, and a postdoc award. So, encourage new members today! Instructions for joining the section are below.

Hoping to see you at the ESA Annual Meeting in New Orleans in August!

All the best,

Jean, Nicole, and Nick

To join PPE if you are not currently an ESA member, simply click the box for this section when you join. You will be charged $5.

To join PPE if you are already an ESA member, log into your account (

On the left there is a tab that says, “Renew/Membership Options.” If you click on that (even though you are up to date on your membership), you can select additional sections or chapters to join. They cost $5 each.

January-February 2018

Dear PPE members,

Hope you are all having a wonderful winter! We would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.

(1) PPE secretary nominations are now open. This is a great opportunity to have a high profile service contribution (national leadership!) with relatively little effort.  Please submit nominations (self-nominations are welcome!) including a CV and 200-word statement detailing your background and interests to Jean Burns ( by 10 Feb 2018. We will announce the candidates in April.

(2) Plant Population Ecology Postdoctoral Excellence Award nominations are now open. Please see announcement below.

(3) This year the section will offer student travel awards to attend the annual 2018 ESA meeting in New Orleans. Details are posted below.

(4) Highlighted members: Have you read an exciting plant ecology paper by an early-career PPE member? We welcome nominations for Featured Early Career Member at any time (including self-nominations). ( So, please nominate your early-career (student, post-doctoral, or faculty) colleagues by sending a brief email to Nick ( stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author.

(5) Keep in mind potential items that could be donated for the ESA 2018 auction! Your nature photos are especially welcome! Nature themed crafts, including quilts, jewelry, and pottery are also very welcome.Donations may be brought to the ESA annual meeting in New Orleans, 2018.  Hope to see you at our exhibit hall booth.

(6) Please also consider making a monetary donation to the PPE section in support of our student travel and post-doc awards. Monetary donations are tax-deductible and ESA will provide a letter to this effect. To make a donation to the section, simply mail a check to ESA (Ms. Elizabeth Biggs, Ecological Society of America,1990 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036) and include a note that the donation is for the Plant Population Ecology Section.

(7) You can also stay up to date with section news, job postings, and more by following the section’s facebook page (, webpage (, and twitter account (@PlantPopEco_ESA).

Best wishes,
Jean, Nicole, and Nick

Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology

The Plant Population Ecology (PPE) section of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) is pleased to announce the Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology, sponsored by the journal AoB PLANTS. This honor is presented at ESA’s annual meeting each August and recognizes a distinguished journal contribution to plant population ecology within the past three years by a postdoctoral member of the PPE section. The winner will receive an award of $500 from AoB PLANTS. Established in 2010 and published by Oxford University Press, AoB PLANTS is a non-profit, open-access journal specializing in environmental and evolutionary plant biology. The journal has distinguished Advisory and Editorial Boards, renders first decisions on manuscripts in an average of 35 days, and has a 2016 Impact Factor score of 2.238.

Eligibility – Applicants must have received their Ph.D. degrees between January 1, 2015 and Dec 31, 2017 and be a current member of the PPE section (if applicants are not a member of ESA or the PPE section, they can join prior to applying). Applicants must be first author on the publication, which may result from either dissertation or postdoctoral research. Publications in any journal are eligible, provided they were published within the past calendar year (January – December 2017). Manuscripts that were accepted for publication by December 2017 may also be submitted for consideration. Only one publication will be considered per applicant.

Application – To apply, submit as a single, merged pdf file with both a qualifying manuscript and a 200-word statement describing how the paper advances the field of plant population ecology. Applications should be emailed to the PPE Secretary Nick Barber ( by 5 pm EST on 15 April 2018, using “ESA PPE – AoBP Postdoc Award” as the subject line.

Applications will be assessed by the PPE Executive Board. The award will be announced at the annual meeting of the ESA during the PPE section mixer on Wednesday, 8 August 2018. The recipient is strongly encouraged to attend the PPE mixer to be recognized and to accept the award.

Plant Population Ecology Student Travel Awards

The ESA-PPE provides funds each year for students to travel to the national meeting. The student must:

  1. be the presenter/first author of a talk or poster at the meeting, and
  2. be a member of the section (if you are not sure whether you are up to date withthe section dues, please contact

If you would like to be considered, please send a *SINGLE PDF FILE* containing your CV and a budget detailing your expected expenses for the meeting to Nick Barber ( by May 1, 2018. Please include in your budget other anticipated sources of funding or a statement indicating whether no other funds are available for your travel. We plan to inform the selected students by the end of June.

Travel support may range between $200-300 and will be given to the winners during the PPE mixer in New Orleans on Wednesday, 8 August 2018. Recipients are highly encouraged to attend the PPE mixer to be recognized and to receive the check. Awardees are also expected to serve at the PPE fund raiser, which will help fund future student travel awards.

October 2017

Dear PPE members,

We hope you are enjoying the fall. We would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.

(1)  Many thanks to our outgoing Chair, Lynn Adler, for her years of service! Thank you, Lynn, for all your support of the PPE section. Please welcome Nicole Rafferty as the new Vice Chair. Jean Burns and Nick Barber continue in their roles as Chair and Secretary, respectively, for the upcoming year.

(2) Interesting in serving the section? Consider nominating yourself for Secretary for the 2018-2020 cycle. Contact Nick at for more information.

(3) Silent Auction 2017: Many thanks to all the donors, helpers and bidders in the annual PPE silent auction! We had a particularly generous year for donations of creative items, and we raised $689! This is an increase of over $200 compared with the previous year. These funds will go towards our section’s student travel awards.

(4) Keep in mind potential items that could be donated for the ESA 2018 auction!

Your nature photos are especially welcome! Photos will be mat mounted, or used to create notecards for sale at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting. Plants and plant-pollinator interactions are especially welcome, but all sorts of nature photos would be great. If you send photos, please include information about how you would like to be credited and please include species identification, if known.

Nature themed crafts, including quilts, jewelry, and pottery are also very welcome. Please send photos (4 x 6 “ especially, but any sizes welcome) or other donations now to:

Jean Burns
Squire Valleyvue Farm, Case Western Reserve University
37125 Fairmount Boulevard
Hunting Valley, OH 44022

Don’t have time to print photos? You can also send digital images (try to narrow it down to your favorite dozen or so!) to Jean Burns at: Again, please include species ID, if known, and information about how you would like to be credited.

Donations may also be brought to the ESA annual meeting in New Orleans, 2018.
Hope to see you at our exhibit hall booth.

(5)  Highlighted members: Have you read an exciting plant ecology paper by an early-career PPE member? We welcome nominations for Featured Early Career Member at any time (including self-nominations). ( So, please nominate your early-career (student, post-doctoral, or faculty) colleagues by sending a brief email to Nick ( stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author.

(6) Calling all early-stage career scientists!

The New Phytologist Tansley Medal is awarded annually in recognition of an outstanding contribution to plant science by an early career researcher (student and post-doctoral researchers with up to five years’ experience since gaining/defending their PhD are eligible). The winner will receive a prize of £2000 (GBP) and will author a Tansley insight review that will be published in New Phytologist, accompanied by an Editorial announcing the winner and finalists. The application deadline for this year’s competition is 1 November 2017.

The Tansley Medal award is an opportunity to recognise an outstanding scientist in the early stages of their career, and supporting the next generation of plant scientists is one of the main activities of the New Phytologist Trust. Please support us in this endeavour by spreading the word to anyone you know who might be eligible to apply for the Tansley Medal award. If you have any queries regarding the medal or the submission process please do not hesitate to get in touch. More details on the Tansley Medal can be found at:

(7) Field Trip, Special Session, Inspire/Ignite, and Workshop proposals for ESA’s 2018 annual meeting are due 16 November 2017.

(8) You can also stay up to date with section news, job postings, and more by following the section’s facebook page, webpage, and twitter account (@PlantPopEco_ESA).

Best wishes,
Jean, Nicole, and Nick

July 2017 – Letter from the Section Chair

Dear PPE section members,

We are gearing up for the ESA Annual Meeting in Portland in just a few weeks!

Mark your calendar for the annual PPE section mixer on Wednesday, August 9 from 6:30-8 pm in room 254 in the Oregon Convention Center.  Come mingle with fellow PPE members, meet this year’s PPE award winners, and enjoy some light refreshments.  There will be a cash bar.  We hope to see you there!

Please be sure to bring some items for the silent auction! Proceeds support our student travel and post-doc awards.  Plan to visit the PPE booth in the exhibit hall of the convention center during the annual meeting to bid on some of the fantastic items up for auction.  To make this years’ auction a success we need donations from you.   Popular items from past auctions have included books, jewelry, pottery, and hand-knit items.  If you plan to donate items to the auction, please email Jean at

We also thank Nicole Rafferty, Judie Bronstein, Stacey Halpern, and Jean Burns for agreeing to serve as ESA Annual Meeting Mentors for the PPE section. Be sure to spread the word with students and early-career professionals about attending the Welcome Reception after the Sunday Plenary, where there will be mentoring tables set up for each section, and the Tuesday morning ESA Graduate Student, Post Docs, and Mentor/Mentee Breakfast. This is a ticketed event that costs $5.00, which covers the breakfast provided.

A schedule of PPE award winners’ presentation is available here.  Be sure to support these early-career section members!

Finally, a crazy outgoing idea from Lynn in her final weeks as Chair: Recruit-A-Member month! I’ll talk more about this at the mixer, but the bottom line is that most of our budget comes from section dues rather than the silent auction. If every PPE member reached out to recruit one new member, our ability to support students and other activities would be greatly enhanced. Many students do not know that you can join multiple sections for a mere $5 each, and that PPE provides opportunities for travel awards, highlighting early career members, and a postdoc award. So, encourage new members today! Instructions for joining the section are below.

All the best,

Lynn, Jean, and Nick

June 2017 – Letter from the Section Chair

Dear PPE section members,
We are very pleased to announce the winners of this year’s Postdoctoral Excellence and student travel awards, as well as our newly elected Vice Chair! We are also making a plea for silent auction donations as we gear up for the ESA Annual Meeting in Portland in August.

Please see below for section updates on the following:
(1)   Postdoctoral Excellence awardee
(2)   Student travel awardees
(3)   Results of Vice Chair election
(4)   PPE section mixer at the ESA meeting
(5)   PPE silent auction at the ESA meeting

All the best,
Lynn, Jean, and Nick

(1) We are pleased to announce that Dr. William Petry is the winner of this year’s Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology, sponsored by the journal AoB PLANTS. Dr. Petry’s winning submission is:

Petry, W.K., J.D. Soule, A.M. Iler, A. Chicas-Mosier, D.W. Inouye, T.E.X. Miller, & K.A. Mooney (2016) Sex-specific responses to climate change in plants alter population sex ratios and performance. Science 353: 69-71.

In this ground-breaking study, Petry and colleagues study effects of climate change, which may influence population dynamics through cryptic changes, such as changes in sex ratio. This study identifies changes in sex ratio across an elevation gradient and points to mechanisms, such as water use efficiency differences, that might mediate these changes. This work may influence approaches studying effects of climate change on plant populations.

(2) This year the section was able to provide five students with travel awards to the annual meeting: Georgia Hart (University of Hawai’i Manoa), Aubrie James (Cornell University), Joshua Lynn (University of New Mexico), Callie Oldfield (University of Georgia), and Nikki Forrester (University of Pittsburgh).  Congratulations!

(3) We are pleased to announce that Nicole Rafferty, Assistant Professor at the University of California-Riverside, has been elected as the incoming Vice Chair for the Plant Population Ecology section. Nicole will assume the duties of a two-year position as Vice Chair at the conclusion of the 2017 ESA meeting in Portland, and at the end of these two years will succeed Jean Burns as the next section Chair.

(4) Mark your calendar for the annual PPE section mixer on Wednesday, August 9 from 6:30-8 pm; location TBA.  Come mingle with fellow PPE members, meet this year’s PPE award winners, and enjoy some light refreshments.  There will be a cash bar.  We hope to see you there!

(5) Every year at the annual ESA meeting the PPE section auctions off a variety of items to support our student travel and post-doc awards.  Plan to visit the PPE booth in the exhibit hall of the convention center during the annual meeting to bid on some of the fantastic items up for auction. To make this years’ auction a success we need donations from you.  Please consider donating items to this worthy cause.  Popular items from past auctions have included books, jewelry, pottery, and hand-knit items. If you plan to donate items to the auction, please email Jean at

June 2017 – Silent Auction Announcement

PPE members,
We hope you are looking forward to ESA’s annual meeting in Portland in August!  One of the most important activities of the PPE section is our silent auction, which raises funds for student travel awards.  Our ability to support student travel next year depends on a productive auction this year.

*But we need donated items to auction*

Please consider donating an auction item to the section.  Popular items from past auctions have included books, jewelry, pottery, hand-knit or quilted items, plant cuttings, and homemade preserves. If you plan to donate items to the auction, please email Nick Barber at  If you cannot attend the annual meeting but have items to donate, you can send them with a colleague.

Last year’s silent auction raised almost $400, and we hope to top that this year!

Thank you,
Lynn, Jean, and Nick

December 2016 – Letter from the Section Chair

Dear PPE members,

Recently, the ESA Governing Board asked me to reach out to our section for help to strengthen efforts to support diversity in all aspects of ESA.  The Diversity Statement that was adopted in 2014 and which amplified the non-discrimination clause in the ESA Code of Ethics can be read here

At its recent meeting, the Governing Board rededicated itself to this statement and to the promotion of diversity across all of the society’s activities. The Board is reaching out and asking each of us to consider specific actions that we can take to support and further diversity through our section.

To my awareness, PPE does not have any activities that explicitly promote diversity. We have a strong focus on early-career support, mentoring and networking, but nothing focused on increasing diversity.

So I’m reaching out to our wonderful members for ideas. Should we establish a scholarship fund explicitly to support an award, research activities or travel to the meeting, perhaps for undergraduates (or graduates) who are from under-represented minority groups or who have disabilities? What about veterans? Should we engage more with the SEEDS program? Are our members already SEEDS mentors or otherwise engaged with SEEDS? Do people have other ideas?

I feel that fostering diversity in PPE should be an important part of our mission, and would love to hear ideas about the best way to do that.

Thank you,

November 2016

Dear PPE members,

We hope you are enjoying the fall.  We would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.

(1)  Many thanks to our outgoing secretary, Aldo Compagnoni, for his years of service! Please welcome Nick Barber ( as the new secretary. Lynn Adler and Jean Burns continues in their roles as chair and vice chair, respectively, for the upcoming year.

(2) Silent Auction 2016: Thanks to all donors, helpers and bidders in the annual PPE silent auction!  We had a particularly generous year for donations of creative items, and we raised $391! This was within spitting distance of last year’s earnings, which is impressive given that the overall meeting attendance was half of last year’s numbers. These funds will go towards our section’s student travel awards. Keep in mind potential items that could be donated to next year’s auction!

(3) New Phytologist Tansley Award: New Phytologist recently put forth a call for applications for the Tansley Medal, a prestigious award for early-career plant scientists.  See the website for details at:

(4)  The deadline for submission of proposals for Ignite Sessions, Workshops, Special Sessions, and Field Trips for the 2017 ESA Annual Meeting in Portland, OR is November 17, 2016.  For more information, see

(5) Highlighted members : We continue to highlight recent research in the field by up-and-coming members of the section on the PPE website ( See our September interview with Robert Shriver of Duke University and the October interview with Anny Chung of the University of New Mexico. We welcome nominations for “Young PPE member of the month” at any time (including self-nominations). So, please nominate your early-career (student and post-doctoral) colleagues by sending a brief email to Nick ( stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author. 

(6) You can also stay up to date with section news, job postings, and more by following the section’s facebook page ( and twitter account (@PlantPopEco_ESA). 

Best wishes,

Lynn, Jean and Nick