August 3-8, 2003. Savannah International Trade & Convention Center, Savannah, Georgia


Special Call for the 2003 ESA/ISEM Annual Meeting, in Savannah, August 3 – 8
Late-Breaking and Newsworthy Posters and Papers

Deadline: No later than July 10th or sooner if the available slots fill.

***Submit your Latebreaking or Newsworthy Research Poster or Paper Here***

The regular sessions for this meeting have been formed, but we have determined that there are additional slots available for a poster and paper session on the last day of the meeting, Friday, 8 August from 8 A. M. to noon. Additionally, there a few slots available in already scheduled contributed oral paper sessions during the week that we will attempt to fill with some submitted paper abstracts under this call. The titles and abstracts for these late-breaking posters and papers will not appear in the final printed program, but will be listed in special supplement to be distributed with the program to all registrants.

The intent of this special session is not to provide those who overlooked the deadline a second chance, but to accommodate research that was not ready for submission before the deadline, or results of special and timely interest to ESA members that were not in before the deadline. To underscore this, the session is given the name “Late-Breaking and Newsworthy Research”

Specifications for these posters are the same as they were for the first call:

Abstracts that address the theme are especially encouraged, but submissions may be from any area of ecology. We also welcome the report of projects that are interdisciplinary, that consider the need to communicate with broad audiences, or that explore ways of teaching ecology at any level. To insure maximum participation each person is allowed to be first author or presenter on only one research poster, paper, or symposium presentation. There is no limit on the number of presentations on which a person may be a co-author. Another exception allows a person to be a presenter or first author of a second presentation that has an educational or scientific outreach theme. Papers submitted in this category will be given stringent scrutiny to insure that the content is directly relevant to the teaching of ecology. Senior authors or presenters may also serve as session presiders or organizers or facilitators of Workshops or Discussions.

Posters will be displayed for a full morning and must be posted by 8 AM but the presenter is required to be present only for a scheduled 1.5 hour period on August 9, 8:30 AM to 10 AM. All co-authors are encouraged to be present as much as possible throughout the time their poster is displayed. Posters must fit on one side of an approximately 2.4 m wide x 1.2 m tall (8' x 4') poster board. Modern poster technology permits the printing of the poster as a single sheet. Persons who do this are advised to leave generous margins so that nothing will be lost if the actual dimensions of the posters are somewhat smaller than announced. Because poster boards are rented from local suppliers, at the time of writing it is impossible to guarantee precise dimensions. Push pins, which ESA will supply, are the only guaranteed method of attachment . Check the website for the latest information before preparing your poster. Because of space and equipment limitations, poster presenters may not use AV equipment.

Evaluation and acceptance. Accuracy and appearance of the abstract are the responsibility of the author(s). ABSTRACTS WILL BE RETURNED IF THEY DO NOT COMPLY PRECISELY WITH THE GUIDELINES, INCLUDING FORMAT. Content will also be evaluated. Policies similar to those of ESA journals with respect to originality and aptness will be followed. The presentations must be based on NEW previously unpublished material. Reviews of past work are generally not permissible outside of symposia or other special sessions, and in such cases a new analysis or synthesis is expected. Although it is understood that many abstracts will be submitted before all analysis and conclusions are in their final form, it is not acceptable to submit an abstract if the authors have no substantial results in hand at time of the abstract submission. The major cause of rejection of abstracts is a lack of evidence of quantitative or substantive results. Clarity of the stated objectives and results of research and appropriateness of subject material are also considered.

Corrections and cancellations. For this special session you will not have access to your abstract nor will you be able to review it prior to its publication in a supplement to the program. Please notify us if you are canceling.

Abstract Submission Fee. Persons submitting abstracts for the first call were required to also submit a $50 fee at the time of submission. For these late-breaking papers we will waive this requirement, but will require that those who receive notice that their late-breaking poster has been accepted register promptly on receiving notice of acceptance.

Instructions for Preparing an Abstract Abstracts must be submitted electronically over the internet using the application form on the ESA web site. Persons who have no possibility of gaining access to the internet should contact the program chair by email or by post at the address given below for instructions on how to proceed. ESA reserves the right to charge a fee for special services.

The text of the abstract (excluding authors, institutions, and title) should be no more than 300 words.
Abstracts should include a statement of objectives, brief description of methods used, concise presentation of quantitative results, and a summary of conclusions or inferences drawn. Vague statements to the effect that “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” may result in abstract rejection. A lack of specifics may be cause for rejection. Submit to the ESA web site on the electronic form provided.

Follow the instructions on the website, but expect to provide at least this much information and in this format:

  1. Author to contact (typically the senior author, but not necessarily)
  2. Institution
  3. Complete mailing address (street address, city, state, country, zip code)
  4. Phone number
  5. E-mail address (IMPORTANT NOTE: if this is not correct, you will receive no information about acceptance!)
  6. Person presenting the paper
  7. Preference for oral or poster presentation
  8. Affiliation with Society—are you a member of ESA?
  9. First- and second-choice session preference (see ESA web site for topic codes, pull down menu on ESA abstract submission form).

The Abstract must use the following format:

  1. CAPITALIZE names of all authors
  2. Name of authors' institutions (NOT DEPARTMENT AFFILIATION or street address).
  3. Title of the presentation.
  4. DO NOT INDENT any part of the abstract itself.
  5. The abstract should be a single paragraph.

***Submit your Latebreaking or Newsworthy Research Poster or Paper Here***

Symbols and Special Fonts
These are given as a pull-down menu of codes on the ESA abstract submission form on the ESA web site ( and are generally HTML codes.

Notification of receipt
You will be notified of receipt electronically using the RETURN e-mail address which you will be asked to supply on the electronic submission form. Please take care to insure that this address is correct. If it is not, you will not receive notice.

For further information contact:
ESA Program Chair
Dr. Thomas W. Swetnam


Program Chair Assistant
Dr. David E. Grow