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SPUR Application Information and Guidelines

Start the application early – especially for the letters of recommendation.  You can log in and finish it anytime before the deadline.  One simple application and you will be considered for three of our partnership sites. You will be asked to select available partnership sites in order of priority (First and Second options). The research site will have the final decision on accepting your application.

You must be an undergraduate student enrolled in a US institution for the entire fellowship. Graduating no earlier than May 2023. 

What to Submit

I) Personal essay of no more than 500 words.

  • describe your career objectives, your science background, your expectations for a successful summer experience, and your educational and career objectives.
  • why you want to participate in this fellowship, including your research interests and how this experience would further your educational and career goals;
  • summarize your ecology experience thus far (SEEDS activities, coursework, research or work experience, etc.);
  • explain how your participation would meet the SEEDS mission;
  • expectations for a successful summer experience and
  • what makes you confident that you would be successful in completing the SEEDS fellowship through Aug 2023

II) A one page Resumé 

PDF format ONLY .  Include these sections where applicable: relevant coursework, research experiences, employment, awards, honors, and scholastic achievement, community service or outreach

III) Two Letters of Recommendation

  • In the application you must provide contact information for the two people sending letters on your behalf.  The application system contacts them directly.  You must start the application as soon as possible to allow them time to submit.
  • Please notify them that the deadline is March 10, 2022.

Letters of recommendation should answer the following questions:

  • How do you know the student – academically /professionally?
  • What is your perception of the student’s involvement in ecology clubs / activities / coursework / internships
  • Do you believe the student has a sincere interest in ecology or a related field and has plans to pursue future endeavors in ecology?
  • Do you feel this student has potential to be a leader in ecology? In what way/s?
  • Is there anything else you would like to add about this student?

For questions, please email