2023 Candidate Stephen Chu

Stephen W. Chu
Principal Ecologist
Arcadis U.S. Inc.
Candidate for:Â Member of the Board of Professional Certification
I am a Principal Ecologist for Arcadis U.S., Inc, with 21 years of experience managing and completing complex ecology-related projects throughout the United States. I am the Midwest Wetland Lead and serves as a Senior practitioner leader in Arcadis’ Wetland Community of Practice, where I am responsible for presenting technical and regulatory updates to participants and clients. I have spearheaded the development and integration of automation within Arcadis, with the objective to standardize data collection, improve efficiency, and project management. I served as Senior Technical Reviewer, Project Manager, and lead ecologist on numerous environmental permitting and planning projects within the Energy, Transportation, and Municipal sectors. I am responsible for the day-to-day management of seven ecologists with the focus on mentoring, career development, and financial billability. I received my Master of Science degree in Natural Resources Environmental Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Bachelor of Science degrees in Zoology and Conservation Biology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, I hold certifications as a Certified Senior Ecologist, Senior Professional Wetland Scientist, Certified Arborist, and numerous state and local certifications. I currently serve on the Certification Review Panel for the Society of Wetland Scientist – Professional Certification Program, a volunteer position I have held since 2016.
What interests, experience or skills would you bring to this position?
I have been a certified Senior Ecologist since 2013 and appreciate the importance and distinction this certification has on my career. In addition, I have been an active participant on the Certification Review Panel for the Society of Wetland Scientist – Professional Certification Program since 2016. As a member of their Certification Review Panel, I have the opportunity to review and approve applicants that meet the minimum requirements for certification as a Professional Wetland Scientist or Wetland Professional In Training in a timely fashion.
How would you support ESA’s mission? How would you plan to promote DEIJ in ESA membership and activities if elected?
The ESA’s mission statement of advancing the science and practice of ecology and supports ecologists throughout their careers, is something I strongly believe and have implemented in my own career. As a manager and mentor to numerous junior ecologists, biologists, and wetland scientist, I strongly encourage staff to pursue obtaining additional professional certification as it is integral to their career development. Not only does certification as an Ecologist indicate that the applicant has both educational and work experience to complete work in the ecology-related field, but we also abide by the code of ethics of the ESA.