Land and Net Primary Production Requirements of Biofuels
Dolaporn Novem Auyeung
Climate Change Policy, Biofuels, and Implications for Land Use Change
Justin S. Baker
EPA’s New Research Focus on Ecosystem Services, With a Study of Biofuels Expansion in the Midwestern US
Randy Bruins
The Global Potential for Biomass Energy on Abandoned Agriculture Lands
J. Elliott Campbell
Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Feedstock Production
Evan DeLucia
Land Clearing and the Biofuel Carbon Debt
Joe Fargione
Carbon Payback Time for Biofuel Crop Expansion in the Tropics
Holly K. Gibbs
Policy Implications of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
Nathanael Greene
Land Change Scenarios in the Northern Great Plains Arising from Extensive Cultivation of Biofuel Feedstocks
Geoff Henebry
Conversion from HILD to LIHD grasslands by seed addition: Impacts on plant diversity and production under hay management
Gregory R. Houseman
Market-Mediated Land Use Change Consequences of Crop-Based Biofuel Production
Andrew Jones
Potential Impacts of Increased Corn Production for Ethanol in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Region
Laura Kaminski
Agroforest Systems – Opportunities for Environmentally Sustainable Biofuel Feedstock Production in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley
Hal O. Liechty
IEA Bioenergy: Task 31 “Biomass Production for Energy from Sustainable Forestry”
Daniel G. Neary
Tropical Deforestation and Biofuel Incentives
Clay Ogg
The Corn Ethanol Boom: Consequences for Insect Pest Dynamics
Megan O’Rouke
Bioenergy: Considerations of Sustainable BioEnergy Development
Dennis Ojima
Strategic Development of Bioenergy in the Western States
Nathan Parker
The Machine in the Garden
Ben Paulos
Set-Asides Can Be Better Climate Investment than Corn-Ethanol
Gervasio Pineiro
How Green Are Biofuels?
Jorn P.W. Scharlemann
The Successional Context of Constructed Low Input High Diversity (LIHD) Systems
Hank Stevens
Environmental Dimensions of Whole-Tree Chipping and Slash Removal for Cellulosic Biomass Supply in the U.S. South
Philip A. Tappe
Powering America and the US Economy
USDA-Agricultural Research Service