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Elephants take to the road for reliable resources

In a national park, researchers study African elephant movement and vegetation using satellites January 9, 2018 For Immediate Release Contact: Zoe Gentes, 202-833-8773 ext. 211,   An elephant never forgets. This seems to be the case, at least, for elephants roaming about Namibia, looking for food, fresh water, and other resources. The relationship between resource availability and wildlife movement…

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ESA gives environmental offset donation to bat and wildflower organizations

When 3,500 individuals from across the country and around the globe convene for a scientific conference such as the Ecological Society of America’s (ESA) recent meeting in Austin, Texas, it takes a toll on the environment.  There is the carbon footprint from the various modes of travel to get to the meeting.  But there is also the broader environmental cost…

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Join EPA’s National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information

EPA invites you to join EPA’s National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information. Today, June 9, begins a week of on-line dialogue with our environmental information partners to hear your ideas about how we can enhance information access.

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