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Hardening shorelines, polar lessons, and legal barriers in ESA Frontiers

Highlights from the August 2015 issue of ESA’s journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment and the 100th Annual Meeting of the society on August 9-14 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, 4 August 2015 Contact: Liza Lester, 202-833-8773 ext. 211,   Armored in concrete, hardened shorelines lose the soft protections of coastal wetlands As we expand our coastal cities and…

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Is a robin eating backyard pokeweed berries a welcome visitor or weed-spreading nuisance? Credit, C. Whelan.

Backyards prove surprising havens for native birds

Tucked away from judging eyes, backyards are unexpected treasure troves of resources for urban birds. ESA Centennial Annual Meeting, August 9-14, 2015 in Baltimore, Md.Ecological Science at the Frontier Program Press Releases Media Registration Many of us lavish attention on our front yards, spending precious weekend hours planting, mowing, and manicuring the plants around our homes to look nice for…

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US Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland named 2015 ESA Regional Policy Award winner

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, July 16, 2015 Contact: Alison Mize, 703-625-3628;   The Ecological Society of America (ESA) will present its eighth annual Regional Policy Award to U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) during the Society’s Centennial Meeting conference in Baltimore, Md. The ESA award recognizes an elected or appointed local policymaker with an outstanding record of informing policy decisions…

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Centennial lecture series celebrates the past and future of ecology

This August, the Ecological Society of America convenes its 100th Annual Meeting at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Md. The Centennial Ecology Lecture Series will supplement our established plenary lectures, inviting reflection on the further growth and application of ecological knowledge into the next 100 years.

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