
Fire-scarred trees record 700 years of natural and cultural fire history in a northern forest
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday 1 March 2017 Contact: Lars Sandved Dalen, NIBIO, Liza Lester, ESA, 202-833-8773 ext. 211,    Until the modern era, the human mark on the northernmost forests of North America, Europe, and Asia was light. Human populations in these challenging environments were too small to make a big impact through agriculture or timber…
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Wildfires and Climate Change
Climate change and disruptions to global fire activity Max A. Moritz, Marc-André Parisien, Enric Batllori, Meg A. Krawchuk, Jeff Van Dorn, David J. Ganz, and Katharine Hayhoe. Ecosphere 2012 3:6, art49
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Using fire to manage fire-prone regions around the world
Inaugural online-only Special Issue of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment showcases prescribed burns around the globe.
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