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ESA Early Career Ecology Section

Welcome to the homepage of the ESA Early Career Ecology Section! The 2024 Annual Meeting is coming up in Long Beach, CA. If you'll be there, be sure to stop by our table to say hello, and check out the latest blog post for information on ECE Section happenings at the conference! We're excited to see you there!

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Who is included in "Early Career"?

Who is included in "Early Career"?

Early career individuals may include postdoctoral researchers, assistant professors, lecturers, adjunct faculty members, and employees of government, non-profit, advocacy, university, and industrial scientific entities. However, section membership will be open to any member of the Society

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Early Career Mentoring Program

Early Career Mentoring Program

The mentorship program pairs selected early career ecologists (mentees) with an established scientist in their field (mentor) who has agreed to meet one-on-one for career guidance.

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ECE Newsletter

ECE Newsletter

If you missed the newsletter in your inbox, or are for some reason not receiving it, you can find all past issues here!

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  • ECE Events at ESA 2024!

    Whether you want to show your appreciation for being awarded travel funds, love the resources in the monthly newsletter, have ideas for how the ECE Section can better serve you, or just want to meet others in this transitional phase of our careers, come hang out with the ECE Section at our events in Long Beach! We are sponsoring and/or…

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  • Achieving Justice and Equity in Natural Resource Fields

    By Reagan McGuinn – Intern, Field Inclusive, Inc. Deciding to work in the environmental field was, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I have ever made. It is such a joy and a privilege to work to protect this beautiful planet and the fascinatingly diverse plants and animals that call it home. Studying conservation biology in college was…

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  • Generative AI Platforms and Ecology

    By Kathleen Carroll Conversations about AI and its potential ramifications for ecology have been abound in my lab, department, and on Twitter. Given the number of conversations I have been privy to, I wanted to share my insights with other Early Career Folks. However, I am by no means an expert on using AI in science and would love to…

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  • Meet Your New Chair!

    This month, we are introducing the Early Career Ecology Section’s new chair, Lilli Kaarakka! Dr. Lilli Kaarakka is an Assistant Professor in Forest Management at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. (She tries hard to adhere to deadlines but sometimes falls short – like for this post.)(And then the webmaster, Cait, fell even shorter. The late blog post was…

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