Career Self-Assessment Tool

Career Self-assessment tool for Undergraduates

Career self-assessment tool for graduate student and early career

Skills Development

Past Workshops

November 30, 2018  The Art of Science Communications

October 24, 2018    How Public Policy is Created – And What You Can Do.

April 13, 2018    The Anacostia River: Environment, Communities, Justice


About the Skills Development Workshops

EcologyPlus offers Skills  Development Workshops that utilize case study formats or hands-on activities to enhance participant understanding of the skills needed for ecological and environmental careers.  Centered on environmental issues, participants will be exposed to skills valued by employers in a range of fields, including academic institutions; non-profit organizations; federal, state and local agencies, and businesses. Specific skills include a variety of “soft” and “hard” skills like project management, data management, writing, communication, fundraising, collaborative skills, stakeholder and citizen engagement, team-building, customer service, political organization and outreach, networking, financial analysis and planning, and negotiation.