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Research Universities and the Future of America:
Ten Breakthrough Actions Vital to Our Nation's Prosperity and Security
This report examines the health and competitiveness of our nation’s research universities and their strong partnership with government and industry that is critical to the nation’s prosperity and national goals. The report responds to a request from Congress for “the top ten actions that Congress, the federal government, state governments, research universities, and others could take to assure the ability of the American research university to maintain the excellence in research and doctoral education needed to help the United States compete, prosper, and achieve national goals for health, energy, the environment, and security in the global community of the 21st century.”
Members of the authoring committee share their insights
Video recording of the release event. Includes the video above as an introduction. Bank of America chairman Chad Holliday speaks with Bloomberg's Erik Schatzker about his innovation initiative. Holliday is leading a push for partnerships between corporations and universities to continue engineering and math success. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Inside Track."
Video recording of the release event, with more in-depth perspectives from the committee.
Bank of America chairman Chad Holliday speaks with Bloomberg's Erik Schatzker about his innovation initiative. Holliday is leading a push for partnerships between corporations and universities to continue engineering and math success. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Inside Track."
Subcommittee on Research and Science Education Hearing - The Role of Research Universities in Securing America’s Future Prosperity: Challenges and Expectations