FY 2012 DOE Budget Request to Congress
The following documents reflect the Department of Energy's Budget Request to Congress:
Detailed Budget Justifications.
If you have trouble reading the text of the budget materials, click here for tips on making the text more readable.
The budget files are formatted in Adobe Acrobat PDF. You may not be able to view the files properly if you are using Acrobat Reader Version 5.0 or earlier. For optimal viewing, download the latest Free version of Acrobat Reader by clicking on this link (http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html) or copy/paste the link into your web browser.
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If you are still experiencing problems viewing files, download the files to your desktop, launch Adobe Acrobat, and open the files within Acrobat (File, Open).
Agency Performance Plan Supplement
DOE Performance Plan Supplement
Budget Highlights A high-level narrative summarization of the Department?s budget request.
Summary Table A short summarization of the request by appropriation account and by first tier organization.
Control Tables A longer summarization of the request at the decision unit level. It is available in order by appropriation account or in first tier organization order.
Statistical Table Shows the budget request at the level at which Congress controls our spending. In most areas, it is more detailed than the Control table.
Laboratory Table Summarizes funding by decision unit and by the laboratories at which DOE does work.
State Table Summarizes funding by decision unit and by each State at which DOE does work.
Detailed Budget Justifications
Energy and Water Development Appropriations
(Volume 1) National Nuclear Security Administration Office of the Administrator Weapons Activities Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Naval Reactors
Other Defense Activities Departmental Administration Inspector General Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program Better Building Pilot Loan Guarantee Initiative for Universities, Schools, and Hospitals Working Capital Fund Energy Information Administration Safeguards and Security Crosscut Pensions (Volume 3) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Energy Transformation Acceleration Fund Fossil Energy Research and Development Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves Strategic Petroleum Reserve Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve Ultra-Deepwater Unconventional Natural Gas
(Volume 5) Environmental Management Environmental Management
(Volume 6) Power Marketing Administrations Southeastern Power Administration Southwestern Power Administration Western Area Power Administration Bonneville Power Administration
Nuclear Energy Defense Nuclear Waste Disposal/Nuclear Waste Disposal
Tips for Making the Text more Readable
While we have designed the format of most of the budget material to be readable when viewed on screen, you may still find it difficult to read some of the text that is presented in landscape orientation. Try some or all of the tips below to make the text larger and clearer. (If the reason it is unclear is the content of the text, rather than its appearance, these tips may not help.)
Maximize the window.
If the Adobe Acrobat window in which the budget is being displayed does not fill the screen, the fonts are being displayed in a smaller size then necessary.
Click the Maximize button in the upper right corner of the window to make the window fill the screen.
Hide the bookmarks.
Bookmarks appear on the left side of the window and serve as a table of contents for the file.
You can hide the bookmarks to make more room for the text, and then redisplay it later when you want to jump to a new section.
Set the zoom to Fit Visible.
By default, most of the budget documents display from the left edge to the right edge of the page.
The Fit Visible mode hides the blank part of the page and only displays from the left margin to the right margin, which results in the text being shown at a larger size.
To set the zoom, select Fit Visible from the View menu. You may also want to try other zoom settings to see if they work better.
Change the text smoothing function.
Text smoothing uses gray dots to make the edges of text look less jagged.
Depending on your screen settings, this may either improve the appearance of the text or may make the text look fuzzy. Try it both ways to see which looks best.
Set the screen mode to a higher resolution.
Changing the screen resolution does not affect the size of the text on screen, but changes the number of pixels available to draw each character. Having more pixels to work with allows the computer to draw the characters with more detail, which should make them clearer.