General Information

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment offers a variety of peer-reviewed articles, including Research Communications, Reviews, and Letters, as well as Concepts and Questions – a series where authors can delve into more exploratory work. No matter the type, Frontiers articles all have two things in common: clear, accessible language and broad interdisciplinary appeal. Frontiers also contains editorials, commentaries, occasional special features, and our popular EcoPics natural-history series. Our readership includes scientists, resource managers, decision makers, teachers and educators, and others. ESA members all receive our attractive, colorful print issues ten times a year, in addition to online access to current and past volumes.
Frontiers’ 2022 Impact Factor: 10.3
Ranked 25th out of 274 journals in the Environmental Sciences category.
Ranked 6th out of 169 journals in the Ecology category.
Frontiers includes:
- Short, high-impact research communications of broad interdisciplinary appeal
- Peer-reviewed, synthetic review articles on all aspects of ecology, the environment, and related subjects
- Concepts & Questions – papers showcasing new ecological ideas
- Editorials and letters
- Commentaries – short science-based opinion pieces
For Authors
Author guidelines, publication fees, and criteria for publication can be found here.
Formats and Subscription Rates: Frontiers publishes 10 issues per year; both the print and the full web version (HTML and PDF) are free to ESA members. Membership rates range from $37 to $185. For details, or to join ESA, visit
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Questions? Please contact
Editorial Board
- Purushothaman C Abhilash, Banaras Hindu University
- Sharon Baruch-Mordo, TRAFFIC International
- Jerrold Belant, Michigan State University
- Roxanne S Beltran, University of California–Santa Cruz
- Elena M Bennett, McGill University
- Elizabeth Boughton, Archbold Biological Station
- Simon J Brandl, The University of Texas at Austin
- J Elliott Campbell, University of California–Santa Cruz
- Paul J CaraDonna, University of California–Santa Cruz
- Kendra S Cheruvelil, Michigan State University
- William Cheung, The University of British Columbia
- Michael Duniway, USGS Southwest Biological Science Center
- Diane Ebert-May, Michigan State University
- Timothy Fahey, Cornell University
- Rusty A Feagin, Texas A&M University
- David C Finnoff, University of Wyoming
- Brendan Fisher, University of Vermont
- Clinton D Francis, California Polytechnic State University
- Joseph Gazing Wolf, Arizona State University
- Heather Golden, US EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory
- Ted L Gragson, University of Georgia
- Nicholas AJ Graham, Lancaster University
- J Morgan Grove, USDA Forest Service
- Andrea Grover, University of Nebraska
- Daniel J Hayes, University of Maine
- Matthew R Helmus, Temple University
- Bruce A Hungate, Northern Arizona University
- Margaret Hunter, USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
- Matthew D Hurteau, University of New Mexico
- Ivan Jarić, University of Paris-Saclay
- Gavin M Jones, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
- Daniel M Kashian, Wayne State University
- Nachiket Kelkar, Wildlife Conservation Trust
- Juliet Lamb, The Nature Conservancy
- Tom A Langen, Clarkson University
- Joshua J Lawler, University of Washington
- Christopher A Lepczyk, Auburn University
- Karin E Limburg, SUNY-ESF
- Xuan Liu, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Martine Maron, University of Queensland
- Michelle Marvier, Santa Clara University
- Gary Matlock, NOAA
- Jeffrey Matthews, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
- Michael L McKinney, University of Tennessee
- Elizabeth McLeod, The Nature Conservancy
- George A Middendorf, Howard University
- Matthew GE Mitchell, The University of British Columbia
- Robert A Montgomery, University of Oxford
- Tischa Munoz-Erickson, USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry
- Ivan Nagelkerken, The University of Adelaide
- David Nelson, Appalachian Laboratory
- Robert Newman, University of North Dakota
- Julian Olden, University of Washington
- Robert R Parmenter, Valles Caldera National Preserve
- Diogo Borges Provete, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
- Angélica Faria de Resende, University of São Paulo
- John L Sabo, Tulane University
- Meagan Schipanski, Colorado State University
- Timothy D Schowalter, Louisiana State University
- Ashley N Schulz, Mississippi State University
- Fred H Sklar, South Florida Water Management District
- Noa Steiner, Kiel University
- Janet M Taylor, KZN Department of Agriculture & Rural Development
- Jonathan D Tonkin, University of Canterbury
- Mark E Torchin, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- Easton R White, University of New Hampshire
- Hua Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Kai Zhu, University of Michigan
- Carly D Ziter, Concordia University
Science and Policy Advisor
- Susan G Clark, Yale University
Abstracting and indexing
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment is covered by Current Contents Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences, Science Citation Index, ISI Alerting Services, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Biobase, Geobase, Scopus, CAB Abstracts, and EBSCO Environmental Issues and Policy Index.
Editorial Inquiries
Editor-in-Chief: Scott Collins, (for pre-submission inquiries)
Managing Editor: Peter Mooreside, (for general journal business)
Assistant Editor: (for questions about ScholarOne and EcoPics)