A Science Policy Forum article that builds on the work of the Assessment was published last Friday: “Ten policies for pollinators.” A Nature review was published this Monday: “Safeguarding pollinators and their values to human well-being”.
IPBES will be hosting an IPBES pollination side-event at the CBD COP13 in Mexico, on Tuesday, 6 December 2016, presenting key finding and messages from the Assessment, with a focus on informing national action plans and implementation.
Please share the report and its Summary for Policymakers (SPM) with your networks, institutions and associates. We count on your assistance to help ensure its widest possible reach and greatest impact.
To learn more about the pollination assessment, visit IPBES Pollination.
]]>On Monday, 6 March, regional consultations and the stakeholder day will be held. The opening of the fifth session of the IPBES Plenary will take place on Tuesday, March 7, at 10 am. The session is scheduled to close on Friday, March 10, 2017. This invitation was sent to Ministers for Environment of all States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as Permanent representatives to UNEP Permanent missions to the United Nations in New York, Geneva and Vienna.
Click the link to see the provisional agenda for the fifth session of the Plenary. As the Plenary, at its fifth session, will not need to review final drafts of assessment reports, the Bureau has recommended to convene a 4-day session. At this session, the Plenary will review progress made in the implementation of the on-going deliverables of the first work programme of IPBES, and consider the revised scoping report for an assessment on the sustainable use of wild species, as well as the undertaking of additional thematic and methodological assessments. It will also consider related budget and institutional arrangements. An information note concerning practical arrangements, along with the other official documents of the meeting, will posted on the IPBES website (www.ipbes.net) once available.
Please fill in the online registration form (http://www.ipbes.net/eform/submit/registration-ipbes-5) as soon as possible, and no later than November 15, 2016.
]]>To follow up on this decision, a group of experts, selected according to the IPBES rules of procedure and following a call for nominations from the IPBES Chair, met in Bonn on 2-4 August 2016. This group produced a revised draft scoping report for this thematic assessment, which you can find here.
We would now like to invite you to take part in an open review of this revised draft scoping report, in order to seek your views on the proposed approach, in particular from the point of view of users of this future assessment. This open review will take place until 2 October 2016.
Following this open review, the document will be revised by the experts and submitted for consideration by the Plenary at its fifth session. Please provide your comments in the dedicated template and send it back to felice.vanderplaat@ipbes.net no later than 2 October 2016. Thank you for providing your comments only on the given template and in no other form.