Nominations – IPBES | Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:37:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Call for Nominations of Fellows- Development of Scenarios on Nature and its Contribution to People Tue, 18 Dec 2018 20:42:46 +0000 Deadline: January 1st, 2019

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES; is an independent intergovernmental body dedicated to improving the use of science in decision making at all policy levels. The Ecological Society of America is assisting the U.S. government in identifying U.S. fellows to support the IPBES expert group dedicated to scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The IPBES Fellowship Program is part of a larger capacity-building portfolio of activities, and targets early career experts who wish to gain experience by participating in the work of IPBES.  To learn more about the fellowship program, please visit (Please note that US scientists should apply through ESA, as described below).

The work would build on the IPBES methodological assessment of scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services approved by the IPBES Plenary in 2016 (please see here), and aims to catalyze further development of scenarios and models by the broader scientific community for future IPBES work.

The selected fellows will support the expert group on scenarios and models in this consultative process and in producing reports and scientific papers. Fellows will be given the opportunity to attend workshops, starting with the stakeholder consultation workshop scheduled in April 2019, and, depending on the capacity building program for 2019, may receive training on the IPBES assessment processes. This fellowship will initially be until the end of 2019, with the possibility of an extension subject to the outcomes of the seventh session of the IPBES Plenary.


Fellow nominees should ensure that they:

  • Are available to attend a one-week workshop tentatively scheduled in April 2019
  • Can make a commitment of up to 15 percent of their time during the fellowship, and
  • Have secured sufficient funding to support their participation

ESA invites interested fellows to apply online:


ESA will review your information.  In order for ESA to review your qualifications in time, we need your information no later than January 1st, 2019. We will not be able to review nominations received after that date.

Individuals who meet the criteria listed above will be notified by early January, and invited to submit their applications to IPBES via an online web form by January 15, 2019.

If you have any questions, please email them to

Thank you for your interest and support of this important international effort!

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Call for Nominations of Fellows for the Assessment on Invasive Alien Species Tue, 18 Dec 2018 20:42:00 +0000 Deadline: Friday, January 25, 2019

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES; is an independent intergovernmental body dedicated to improving the use of science in decision making at all policy levels. The Ecological Society of America is assisting the U.S. government in identifying U.S. fellows to support the IPBES expert group dedicated to the assessment of alien invasive species.

The IPBES Fellowship Program, which is part of a larger capacity-building portfolio of activities, targets early career experts who wish to gain experience by participating in the work of IPBES. To learn more about the fellowship program, please visit (Please note that US scientists should apply through ESA, as described below).  Selected fellows will take part as authors in the chapter of the assessment they are selected for. Fellows will attend author meetings and receive training to gain an in-depth understanding of the IPBES assessment processes. Fellows will also be paired up with a mentor for the assessment period.


Fellow nominees should meet the following criteria:

  • Have expertise related to the themes and skills required for the chapters of the assessment as set out in its scoping document (available here)
  • Be experts on invasive alien species within one or more of the following disciplines: natural sciences, social sciences or the humanities; be indigenous and local knowledge experts or have expertise in indigenous and local knowledge systems; OR be policy experts and practitioners
  • Have experience working within interdisciplinary and/or international contexts
  • Ability to support their own travel to meetings
  • Ability to participate in person in the expert group meetings

ESA invites interested fellows to apply online:


ESA will review your information.  In order for ESA to review your qualifications in time, we need your information no later than January 25th, 2019. We will not be able to review nominations received after that date.

Individuals who meet the criteria listed above will be notified by early February, and invited to submit their applications to IPBES via an online web form by February 15, 2019.

If you have any questions, please email them to

Thank you for your interest and support of this important international effort!

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Call for Nominations of Experts- Assessment of Invasive Alien Species Tue, 16 Oct 2018 21:46:28 +0000 Deadline: December 3, 2018

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES; is an independent intergovernmental body dedicated to improving the use of science in decision making at all policy levels. The Ecological Society of America is assisting the U.S. government in identifying U.S. experts for an important IPBES assessment:

Assessment of Invasive Alien Species: This assessment will assess the threat that invasive alien species pose to biodiversity, ecosystem services and livelihoods and the global status of and trends in impacts of invasive alien species by region and sub-region, taking into account various knowledge and value systems.

Nominees should have expertise related to invasive alien species within one or more of the following disciplines: natural sciences; social sciences; or the humanities; be indigenous and local knowledge experts or have expertise in indigenous and local knowledge systems; or be policy experts and practitioners. All nominees should have experience in working within interdisciplinary and/or international contexts.

More information on the work of experts and on financial support available to selected experts can be found here. The first meeting of all assessment experts, for which attendance is mandatory, is tentatively scheduled for August or September 2019.


Expert nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • 3 years of experience in related issues
  • Ability to support their own travel to meetings
  • Ability to participate in person in the expert group meetings

ESA invites interested experts to apply online:

Apply now


ESA will review your information.  In order for ESA to review your qualifications in time, we need your information no later than December 3, 2018. We will not be able to review nominations received after that date.

Individuals who meet the criteria listed above will be notified by early January, and invited to submit their applications to IPBES via an online web form by January 11, 2019.

If you have any questions, please email them to

Thank you for your interest and support of this important international effort!

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Call for nominations: Nature’s values and sustainable use of wild species Thu, 03 May 2018 16:05:09 +0000 DEADLINES:

May 18, 2018 – Experts

May 25, 2018 – IPBES Fellows Program


The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES; is an independent intergovernmental body dedicated to improve the use of science in decision making at all policy levels. The Ecological Society of America is assisting the U.S. government in identifying U.S. experts and fellows (early career scientists) for two important IPBES assessments:


Methodological Assessment Regarding the Diverse Conceptualization of Multiple Values of Nature and Its Benefits. This assessment will assess: (a) the diverse conceptualization of values of nature and its benefits, including biodiversity and ecosystem services; (b) diverse valuation methodologies and approaches; (c) different approaches that acknowledge, bridge and integrate the diverse values and valuation methodologies for policy and decision-making support; and (d) knowledge and data gaps and uncertainties.  The first authors meeting will be on September 17-21, 2018 at a venue to be determined.

Thematic Assessment of Sustainable Use of Wild Species. This assessment will consider various approaches to the enhancement of the sustainability of the use of wild species of all organisms within the ecosystems that they inhabit and to strengthen related practices, measures, capacities and tools for their conservation through such use. The first authors meeting will be on September 24-28, 2018 at a venue to be determined.


Experts and fellows should have expertise in natural science, social science or the humanities, policy, and/or indigenous and local knowledge systems to participate in two important assessments.



Expert nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • 3 years of experience in related issues
  • Products or publications relevant to the deliverable
  • Ability to support their own travel to meetings
  • Ability to participate in person at the meeting for the expert group

ESA invites interested experts to send the following information to

For the Values of Nature, use this subject line: “Firstname lastname values IPBES”

For the Sustainable Use of Wild Species, use this subject line:  “Firstname lastname wild species IPBES”

In the text of the email:

  • Full name, gender, nationality, address, phone number, email address
  • Current position and name of employer
  • Education (degree(s), relevant to the deliverable selected)
  • Publications and products relevant to the deliverable selected (maximum 5)
  • Supporting statement (300 words maximum) why you are interested in contributing to this deliverable, and contribution you would like to make
  • Confirmation that you have financial support for your travel and can attend meetings during the periods listed above

Attached to the email: a brief resume/c.v. (2-3 pages). EXPERTS MUST APPLY TO ESA BY MAY 18, 2018.



The IPBES fellows program provides an opportunity for individuals in the early stages of their careers in the area of social, economic and biological sciences, policy development and indigenous and local knowledge, to participate as authors in these two assessments. Fellows should be in the early stages of their careers, preferably not more than 5-7 years after having completed their academic degree. Selected fellows will take part as authors in the chapter of the assessment they are selected for. They will attend author meetings and receive training to gain an in-depth understanding of the IPBES assessment processes. They will also be paired up with a mentor for the assessment period.

ESA invites interested early career scientists to send the following information to

For the Values of Nature assessment, use this subject line: “Firstname lastname early career values IPBES”

For the Sustainable Use of Wild Species assessment, use this subject line:  “Firstname lastname early career wild species IPBES”

In the text of the email:

  • Full name, gender, nationality, address, phone number, email address
  • Current position and name of employer
  • Education (degree(s), relevant to the deliverable selected)
  • Publications and products relevant to the deliverable selected (maximum 5)
  • Supporting statement (300 words maximum) why you are interested in contributing to this deliverable, and contribution you would like to make
  • Confirmation that you have financial support for your travel and can attend meetings during the periods listed above

Attached to the email: a brief resume/c.v. (2-3 pages). EARLY CAREER FELLOWS MUST APPLY TO ESA BY MAY 25, 2018.


ESA will review your information. Individuals who meet the criteria listed above will be invited to submit their applications to IPBES via an online web form. ESA will inform the U.S. government that we have recommended your application. We recognize that this is a very challenging schedule, but believe U.S. engagement in IPBES is important and hope that you will volunteer.

If you have general questions about IPBES or about the expert nomination process, please email them to For more detailed information about IPBES and these assessments, see and

Thank you for your interest and support of this important international effort!

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Call for nominations: global assessment and sustainable use of biodiversity scoping Mon, 14 Mar 2016 18:44:57 +0000 This call for nomination is now CLOSED.

DEADLINE: April 25

Biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides are disappearing at unprecedented rates. Around the world, policymakers are making decisions that affect biodiversity and they seek additional scientific knowledge in order to understand the consequences at local, regional, and global scales. The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an independent intergovernmental body dedicated to bridging this knowledge gap to improve the use of science in decision making at all policy levels.

IPBES is currently seeking experts in natural science, social science, policy, and/or indigenous and local knowledge systems to participate in two important processes addressing biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The Ecological Society of America is assisting the U.S. government in identifying U.S. experts and fellows for the following processes:

  1. A Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. The first authors meeting will be held on August 15-19, 2016 in Bonn, Germany. There will be more in subsequent years. Both experts and fellows will participate in this assessment process.  This assessment will assess the state of knowledge on the interaction between humans and nature, including biodiversity and the structure and functioning of ecosystems.  In doing so, it will strengthen the science-policy interface on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem goods and services by providing the knowledge and policy-support tools needed for informed decision-making by Governments, the private sector and civil society.
  2. A workshop to scope the thematic assessment of the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. The meeting will be held on August 2-4, 2016, Bonn, Germany. Only experts are invited to participate in the scoping process.  Recognizing that human use of wild species is a dominant driver of change in biodiversity, this assessment will assess approaches to enhancing the sustainable use of wild species.  Such uses include food and medicine, raw materials and energy supplies, and ornamental materials. The assessment will take an integrative approach, recognizing the inseparable unity of nature and human culture.


Expert nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • 3 years of experience in related issues
  • Products or publications relevant to the deliverable
  • Ability to support their travel to meetings
  • Ability to participate in person at the meeting for the expert group

ESA invites interested experts to send the following information to

For the Global Scoping, use this subject line: “Firstname lastname global IPBES”

For the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, use this subject line:  “Firstname lastname sustainable IPBES”

In the text of the email:

  • Full name, gender, nationality, address, phone number, email address
  • Current position and name of employer
  • Education (degree(s), relevant to the deliverable selected)
  • Publications and products relevant to the deliverable selected (maximum 5)
  • Supporting statement (400 words maximum) why you are interested in contributing to this deliverable, and contribution you would like to make
  • Confirmation that you have financial support for your travel and can attend meetings during the periods listed above

Attached to the email: a brief resume/c.v. (2-3 pages).


The IPBES young fellows pilot program provides an  opportunity for individuals in the early stages of their careers in the area of social, economic and biological sciences, policy development and indigenous and local knowledge, related to biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Early career experts interested in participating in the global assessment process should apply through the IPBES Fellowship Pilot Program. This is a pro bono opportunity to become join teams of international experts in drafting the sections of the global assessment.

The Ecological Society of America is NOT accepting nominations for the IPBES Fellowship Pilot Program. Fellows should be nominated by their own institutions or universities, not by ESA. These nominations should be submitted to IPBES directly.

Fellows should ensure that they:

  • are available for the August 15-19, 2016 meeting
  • are able to make a commitment of up to 15 percent of their time in the assessment period
  • are able to fund their own travel, or have institutional travel support.

Click here to learn more and for the application form.


ESA will review your information.  In order for ESA to review your qualifications in time, we need your information no later than April 25. We will not be able to review nominations received after that date.

Individuals who meet the criteria listed above will be invited to submit their applications to IPBES via an online web form. ESA will inform the U.S. government that we have recommended your application.

We recognize that this is a very challenging schedule, but believe U.S. engagement in IPBES is important and hope that you will volunteer.

If you have general questions about IPBES or about the expert nomination process, please email them to If you have questions about the fellowship process, please contact

Thank you for your interest and support of this important international effort!


Photo Credit: Moyan Brenn

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9 U.S. Experts and 1 U.S. Young Fellow Chosen for Deliverables Thu, 06 Aug 2015 19:45:34 +0000 Over 473 experts and 32 young fellows have been chosen for the four regional (Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and Central Asia) and land degradation and restoration assessments. The United States is represented by 9 experts and 1 young fellow across three assessments (Africa, Americas, and land degradation and restoration).

Please see below for the list of American experts, and links to the full list of chosen experts.

Congratulations to the chosen nominees!


Deliverable 2(b): Regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for Africa

Chapter 3: Status, trends and future dynamics of biodiversity and ecosystems underpinning nature’s benefits to people

  • Amy Dunham (Rice University) – Lead author

Deliverable 2(b): Regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services and functions for the Americas

Chapter 1: Setting the scene

  •  Kelly Garbach (Loyola University Chicago) – Lead Author
  • Judith Weis (Rutgers University) – Lead Author (Invasive Alien Species)

Chapter 3: Status, trends and future dynamics of biodiversity and ecosystems underpinning nature’s benefits to people

  • Jeannine Cavender-Bares (University of Minnesota) – Coordinating Lead Author (Sustainable Use of Biodiversity)

Chapter 4: Direct and indirect drivers of change in the context of different perspectives of quality of life

  • Eileen Helmer (USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry) – Coordinating Lead Author
  • Forest Isbell (University of Minnesota) – Lead Author (Land Degradation and Restoration)

Chapter 5: Integrated and cross:scale analysis of interactions of the natural world and human society

  • Brian Klatt – Coordinating Lead Author

Chapter 6: Options for governance, institutional arrangements and private and public decision making across scales and sectors

  • Jayne Belnap (U.S. Geological Survey) – Lead Author (Land Degradation and Restoration)

Young Fellow

  • Laura Thompson (U.S. Geological Survey, National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center)

Deliverable 2(b): Regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the Pacific

  • No U.S. experts chosen.

Deliverable 2(b): Regional assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia

  • No U.S. experts chosen.

Deliverable 3(b)(i): Thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration assessment experts

Chapter 3: Direct and indirect drivers of land degradation and restoration

  • Nicole Barger (University of Colorado) – Coordinating Lead Author
  • Forest Isbell (University of Minnesota) – Lead Author (Land degradation and restoration assessment expert working as thematic experts within the four regional assessments)

Chapter 8: Decision support to address land degradation and support restoration of degraded land

  • Jayne Belnap (U.S. Geological Survey) – Lead Author (Land degradation and restoration assessment expert working as thematic experts within the four regional assessments)


For a complete list of U.S. experts currently serving on IPBES panels, please visit the U.S. engagement page.

Photo Credit: Royce Bair.

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Call for Young Fellows for Pilot Program Wed, 06 May 2015 18:19:43 +0000 Nominations are no longer being accepted for this fellowship.

IPBES is implementing a pilot fellowship program on assessments. Currently, 32 pro bono fellowships are being offered to enable young scientists to take part in the work of IPBES. Fellowships are being offered for the four regional and sub-regional assessments (Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe and Central Asia) and the thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration. These will begin in summer 2015 and run until the end of 2017.

Teams of leading experts from a range of disciplines and from all parts of the world will write the aforementioned assessments; the selected fellows will work and interact as members of these teams. Through their involvement in IPBES, fellows will gain an understanding of a major assessment process, pressing environmental, policy, social and economic issues facing our world, and options for action. Fellows will also have the opportunity to network with a wide range of colleagues, which could be of great value in their future careers.

For more information, including the application form, selection criteria, and assessment information, please visit:


Photo Credit: Toni Fish

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Call for nominations for regional assessments and global scoping Thu, 12 Feb 2015 15:16:46 +0000 Nominations are no longer being accepted for this call.

DEADLINE: March 20

Established in 2012, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), is a global program intended to strengthen the role of science in decision-making related to the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem services. IPBES is currently soliciting nominations from a broad community of natural and social scientists.

The Ecological Society of America is assisting the U.S. government in identifying U.S. natural and social scientists to serve on the following IPBES expert groups:

  1. Expert group to create a set of regional and sub-regional assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services for the following regions:

(a) Americas, involving up to 100 experts, with a first authors meeting scheduled for 20-24 July 2015;
(b) Africa, involving up to 100 experts, with a first authors meeting scheduled 3-7 August 2015;
(c) Asia and Pacific, involving up to 100 experts, with a first authors meeting scheduled 17-21 August 2015;
(d) Europe and Central Asia, involving up to 100 experts, with a first authors meeting scheduled 31 August – 4 September 2015.

  1. Expert group for scoping of a global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services. This will involve up to 20 experts. A scoping meeting is planned for 5-7 October 2015.

IPBES is seeking a broad variety of experts from various natural and social scientific disciplines and from indigenous and local knowledge systems, as well as policy and technical experts and practitioners.  For the regional and sub-regional assessments, IPBES is also looking for experts with experience in invasive alien species and sustainable use of biodiversity.

For more information on the scope of the regional assessments, please visit this page for the complete scoping documents.

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • 3 years of experience in related issues
  • Products or publications relevant to the deliverable
  • Ability to support their travel to meetings
  • Ability to participate in person at the meeting for the expert group


ESA invites interested experts to send the following information to

For a Regional Assessment, use this subject line:  “Firstname lastname regional IPBES”

For the Global Scoping, use this subject line: “Firstname lastname global IPBES”

In the text of the email:

  • Full name, gender, nationality, address, phone number, email address
  • Current position and name of employer
  • Region of expertise (only if applying for a regional assessment)
  • Education (degree(s), relevant to the deliverable selected)
  • Publications and products relevant to the deliverable selected (maximum 5)
  • Supporting statement (400 words maximum) why you are interested in contributing to this deliverable, and contribution you would like to make
  • Confirmation that you have financial support for your travel and can attend meetings during the periods listed above (location to be determined)

Attached to the email: a brief resume/c.v. (2-3 pages).


ESA will review your information.  In order for ESA to review your qualifications in time, we need your information no later than March 20, 2015. We will not be able to review nominations received after that date.

Individuals who meet the criteria listed above will be invited to submit their applications to IPBES via an online web form.

We recognize that this is a very challenging schedule, but believe U.S. engagement in IPBES is important and hope that you will volunteer for an expert group.

If you have any questions, please email them to

Thank you for your interest and support of this important international effort!


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Call for nominations for land degradation and restoration assessment Thu, 12 Feb 2015 14:55:42 +0000 Nominations are no longer being accepted for this call.

DEADLINE: March 20

Established in 2012, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), is a global program intended to strengthen the role of science in decision-making related to the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem services. IPBES is currently soliciting nominations from a broad community of natural and social scientists.

The Ecological Society of America is assisting the U.S. government in identifying U.S. natural and social scientists to serve on the IPBES expert group responsible for creating a thematic assessment of land degradation and restoration. A group of up to 80 experts from all over the world will meet from July 6-10, 2015.

IPBES is seeking a broad variety of experts from various natural and social scientific disciplines and from indigenous and local knowledge systems, as well as policy and technical experts and practitioners.

Assessment topics include:

  • Benefits to people from avoidance of land degradation and restoration of degraded land
  • Concepts and perceptions of land degradation and restoration
  • Direct and indirect drivers of land degradation and restoration
  • Status and trends of land degradation and restoration and associated changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functions
  • Land degradation and restoration associated with changes in ecosystem services and functions, and human well-being and good quality of life
  • Responses to avoid land degradation and restore degraded land
  • Scenarios of land degradation and restoration
  • Decision support to address land degradation and support restoration of degraded land

For more information on the scope of this assessment, please see the scoping document here.

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • 3 years of experience in related issues
  • Products or publications relevant to the deliverable
  • Ability to support their travel to meetings
  • Ability to participate in person at the meeting for the expert group


ESA invites interested experts to send the following information to

Email Subject Line: “Firstname lastname land deg IPBES”

In the text of the email:

  • Full name, gender, nationality, address, phone number, email address
  • Current position and name of employer
  • Education (degree(s), relevant to the deliverable selected)
  • Publications and products relevant to the deliverable selected (maximum 5)
  • Supporting statement (400 words maximum) why you are interested in contributing to this deliverable, and contribution you would like to make
  • Confirmation that you have financial support for your travel and can attend meetings the week of July 6, 2015 (location to be determined)

Attached to the email: a brief resume/c.v. (2-3 pages).


ESA will review your information.  In order for ESA to review your qualifications in time, we need your information no later than March 20, 2015. We will not be able to review nominations received after that date.

Individuals who meet the criteria listed above will be invited to submit their applications to IPBES via an online web form.

We recognize that this is a very challenging schedule, but believe U.S. engagement in IPBES is important and hope that you will volunteer for this expert group.

If you have any questions, please email them to

Thank you for your interest and support of this important international effort!


Photo Credit: Milo Mitchell, IFPRI

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Call for nominations for regional and sub-regional assessment scoping Thu, 15 May 2014 19:41:31 +0000 ESA and IPBES are no longer accepting nominations for this call. 

IPBES is currently soliciting nominations from a broad community of natural and social scientists for the following expert group:

  • Expert group to scope a set of regional and sub-regional assessments.  This scoping group will identify options regarding the regional and sub-regional structure for possible future assessments as well as topics, priorities, and existing initiatives to be considered in these assessments.  IPBES has tentatively scheduled the scoping meeting for August 17-23 in Nairobi.

The Ecological Society of America (ESA) will nominate potential experts who meet the following criteria:

  • 3 years of experience in related issues
  • Products or publications relevant to the deliverable
  • Ability to support their travel to meetings
  • Ability to participate in person at the meeting for the expert group specified in the IPBES call

Nomination procedure:

  1. Please fill out an Application form and attach your curriculum vitae through the dedicated web portal.  IPBES also requests that you submit a scanned copy of your passport to facilitate travel arrangements when making your application, but this is not required.
  2. In Section B of the form, for Type of nominating body, check “Organisation.”
  3. For Position of contact person, write “Director of Science Programs, Ecological Society of America”.
  4. For Full Name (nominator), write “Dr. Clifford Duke”.
  5. For E-mail (nominator), write
  6. For Phone Number (nominator), write “202-833-8773”.
  7. In Section C.5 of the form, Supporting Statement, please also confirm that you have travel support and can attend meetings in Nairobi on 17-23 August 2014 (regional assessment) or the week of 8 September 2014 (land degradation assessment, location to be determined.)

The Application Form will automatically be sent to ESA so that we can approve and submit your nomination. ESA will review your information will let you know if we choose to nominate you. IPBES also will send you an acknowledgement message after we submit the form confirming your nomination.

In order for ESA to review your qualifications we need your information no later than Friday, June 13, 2014. We will not be able to review nominations received after that date. Early nominations are strongly encouraged. We recognize that this is a very challenging schedule, but believe engagement in IPBES is important and hope that you will volunteer for one or more of these expert groups.

If you have any questions, please email them to

Thank you for your interest and support of this important international effort.

Photo Credit: Royce Bair.

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