This web conference will build on the knowledge gaps identified in the IPBES Assessment Report on Land Degradation and Restoration. It will provide an interactive, transparent and inclusive platform for the discussion of these gaps, the consultation on knowledge needs of policymakers and practitioners, and the identification of priority areas for relevant knowledge generation. The ultimate objective is to inform research, policy and funding agencies, and to catalyze the generation of new knowledge. The overall scope includes gaps and needs related to data, information, knowledge and infrastructure.
The three-week web conference will take place from January 14th to February 4th, 2019, and be moderated by the Co-Chairs of the Land Degradation and Restoration Assessment, Robert Scholes and Luca Montanarella.
The proceedings of the web conference will include a list of suggested priority knowledge needs.
The proposed conference format is as follows:
More information on the web conference can be found on the IPBES website. Interested participants are kindly asked to register via the online registration form. Once registration has been approved, the secretariat will send a confirmation email and further information about the web conference.
]]>The webinar will take place on June 23, 2016 from 8-9 AM EST.
There will be a Q&A session at the end of the webinar. If you have any questions now, please submit them to
Register now:
If you are unable to join us for the webinar, a recording will be available afterwards on
To learn more about the pollination assessment, visit IPBES Pollination. The summary for policymakers is available here.
Photo Credit: normanack
]]>Interested experts can review as many chapters of as many assessments as they would like. Please note that these drafts are confidential. They cannot be cited, quoted, or circulated.
To join the review:
Reviews are due by July 11, 2016. All names of reviewers who provide comments will be published on the IPBES website, and acknowledged in the Annex of the respective assessment report.
Photo Credit: Alexander Cahlenstein
]]>The webinar will take place on April 7, 2016 from 9-10 AM EST.
Key topics covered will include: getting started as an author and assessing materials; handling the review process; identifying and accessing data and other knowledge sources; and dealing with knowledge gaps.
There will be a Q&A session at the end of the webinar. If you have any questions now, please submit them to
Register now:
If you are unable to join us for the webinar, a recording will be available afterwards on
Photo Credit: Kristian Mollenborg
]]>The draft scoping report for the Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Deliverable 2c) has been completed. This draft report is available online here.
IPBES would greatly appreciate your help in the scoping process. We seek your views on the proposed approach, especially from the point of view of users of the future assessment arising from this scoping report.
Please use this feedback template to provide comments, and email your feedback to by November 3, 2015.
Photo Credit: Dom Dada
]]>The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has an exciting opportunity for experts to participate in the scoping process online. IPBES is holding an online conference to scope the following two assessments:
The e-conference will take place in three sessions over three weeks from September 7-25th, 2015. It will be implemented as an internet forum/discussion board. Experts will discuss various elements relevant to the scoping reports by posting, reading, and replying on structured discussion boards. At the end of each week, a synthesis report will be prepared based on comments and discussions held during the week. The next week’s discussions will build on the discussions of the previous week. By the end of the third week, the intention is to have a draft that will resemble as much as possible the structure of the final scoping reports.
The e-conference will cover the following topics and more within each assessment:
Register to participate here! Once the registered account has been approved, the IPBES Secretariat will send a confirmation e-mail and further information on the e-conference and scoping process.
For more information, please visit the IPBES announcement here.
Photo Credit: Kerry Britton, U.S. Forest Service.