Reflections on light pollution
In a paper published online this month in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, ESA member Bruce Robertson and his colleagues in biology and biophysics explore the concept of polarized light pollution. They synthesize work that shows how light reflected off of human-made surfaces can confuse animals and alter their behavior, leading to injury or even death.
The American Museum of Natural History is featuring this research in an exhibit in their Hall of Biodiversity. These interactive Science Bulletins are always new, refreshing every two weeks and relying on only recent science discoveries for their material. Use the arrows to navigate through the flash interactive on Robertson’s work below.
To view the higher-resolution version of this interactive, click here. To view more Science Bulletins on such topics of astronomy, climate change, endangered speciea and public health, visit the AMNH Science Bulletin site.
Gábor Horváth, György Kriska, Péter Malik, Bruce Robertson (2009) Polarized light pollution: a new kind of ecological photopollution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment e-View. doi: 10.1890/080129