Ecological Society of America

JOIN US IN SACRAMENTO August 10-15, 2014

Annual Meeting info

ESA Historical Records Committee booth and programs
will be announced in late February


A meeting was held at Columbus, Ohio, on December 28th, 1915, at which it was decided to organize the Ecological Society of America....The interests and activities of this society will be of the broadest character, embracing every phase of the relation of organisms to their environmental condition...
--The Geographical Review 1916--

About the Ecological Society of America

1914: The beginning


The first discussions on the formation of the Society took place in 1914 in the lobby of the Hotel Walton in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at a meeting of animal and plant ecologists organized by Henry Chandler Cowles. It became official on December 28th, 1915, in Columbus, Ohio, at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). A group of about 50 people voted to form the Ecological Society of America, adopted a constitution, and set the next meeting. Dr. Victor E. Shelford of the University of Illinois served as the first president.

The Society was founded for the purpose of unifying the science of ecology, stimulating research in all aspects of the discipline, encouraging communication among ecologists, and promoting the responsible application of ecological data and principles to the solution of environmental problems. The Society has grown from the first interested few to over 10,000 members worldwide.


This photograph includes sixteen founding members of the Society. Click on the photo for more details. This photo and banner photos courtesy of the collection of the late Dr. Robert L. Burgess.




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new ESA history content under development at ESA History2 --our new home on the web, being introduced at ESA2013.

our Twitter account @ESAhistory for more info and links!

Learn more…

about the history of ESA by reading "The Ecological Society of America: Historical Data and Some Preliminary Analyses" by the late Dr. Robert L. Burgess. Click here for pdf file of the document.

Photo Gallery
We encourage submissions of historical photos and documents related to the Society. Please send submissions to: Jane L. Bain at




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