Ecological Society of America

Meetings of the Ecological Society of America> 1990 Meeting –Snowbird, Utah

Meeting theme: Perspectives in Ecology: Past, Present and Future


  1. Changing perspectives on some long-standing problems in ecology. Organized by Richard Root & Donald Shure.
  2. The shift from an equilibrium to a non-equilibrium paradigm in ecology. Organized by S.T.A. Pickett & Margaret Davis.
  3. A strategic plan for ecology for the 1990's: An interim report. Organized by Jane Lubchenco.
  4. Motivations for ecological research: How they have changed through the years. Organized by Emily Russell and William Kimler.
  5. Towards an historical ecology: Theory and method. Organized by Grace Brush and William Cronon.
  6. Predicting the consequences of deliberate environmental releases of genetically-engineered organisms. Organized by Richard Wetzler.
  7. Long-term dynamics of vegetational patterns in mountainous regions of North America. Organized by Jane Beiswenger and Stephen Jackson.
  8. Experimental approaches to host-parasite population dynamics. Organized by Win Grosholz and Greg Dwyer.
  9. Physiological ecology: Its link to ecosystems and the atmosphere. Organized by Elisabeth Holland and Stuart Chapin III.
  10. Theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of inducible defenses in plants and animals. Organized by Drew Harvell.
  11. Climate, fire and forests: Understanding vegetation dynamics in western conifer forests. Organized by David Parsons & Norm Christensen.
  12. Long-term consequences of cumulative disturbances on stream dynamics. Organized by Alan Covich and Charles Hawkins.
  13. Historical and geographical determinants of community diversity. Organized by Robert Ricklefs and Dolph Schluter.
  14. Ecology of the 1988 Yellowstone fires. Organized by Mark Boyce.


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