The World’s Largest Community of Ecologists
The challenges posed by pandemic made it hard for us to be the same kind of well-connected community we’ve been historically, but members’ loyalty to their Society and community was truly inspiring. We are able to grow best when we grow together!
Membership by the Numbers
- 7,751 members
- 248 joined the new Great Lakes Chapter
- 3,073 #ESA2021 attendees from 54 countries watched 1,939 live and on-demand presentations
- 3,731 attended workshops; 282 registered for short courses
- 250+ volunteers in leadership, mentoring and other professional development activities
- 57 International Biodiversity Championship contestants from 10 countries catalogued 3,987 species
- ~5,000 attendees of dozens of webinars
- 29,000+ community members on ECOLOG-L sent 12,356 messages
That togetherness was best represented by the number of members who stepped up to support their peers (and the next generation) through our mentoring and career development activities, both in regular work over the course of the year and during the Annual Meeting, and in service to the Society. And speaking of #ESA2021, its purely virtual state meant that we were able to significantly internationalize the experience, involving attendees from all over the world for regular meeting programming and such fun networking opportunities as the International Biodiversity Championship.
On top of that, we served our membership as well as we could virtually, resulting in tens of thousands of people attending our webinars and taking part in our online community activity. We were even able to add a new chapter to the membership mix, welcoming the Great Lakes Chapter to ESA.