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Disseminating Ecological Knowledge

Earth Stewardship was launched late in 2023

Since its very beginning, ESA has been a driving force in publishing cutting-edge research in ecology and closely allied fields. Our portfolio of journals represents some of the most prestigious homes for papers on new science, important advances at the intersections of science, policy and society, and syntheses of prior work for new interpretation.

In 2023, our journals published 896 new papers; among all articles published over our journals’ history, work in ESA journals was cited more than 8,300 times, with nearly 6.1 million full online text views. Our staff generated 103 press releases based on new articles, which led to 400 story placements in major international media.

New leaders were recruited to steer our journals in 2023. We were pleased to announce that Sunshine Van Bael had assumed the EIC role at Ecosphere, and that Scott Collins would serve as the new EIC of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. And we were especially excited to launch our latest journal—Earth Stewardship. Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald was announced as inaugural EIC during the Annual Meeting in Portland, and began accepting articles at the turn of the year. We look forward to ongoing excellence in our portfolio!

On the education front, we hosted three faculty mentoring sessions—with 39 participants—and published 13 teaching resources in our education journal, Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology. This coincided with ongoing resource development and implementation of the Four Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework. In addition to the annual Resources for Ecology Education – Fair and Share (REEFS) workshop, the Annual Meeting also included four separate events on 4DEE. Resources like these and the EcoEd Digital Library place ESA at the forefront of quality ecology education now, with a very bright future!