Conversations with our Presidents
Six ESA Presidents were invited to comment on the 4DEE Framework at the 2018 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Monday, August 6, 2018 | 10:15 am – 11:30 am SS 19 – The ESA’s Four-Dimensional Ecology Education Framework (4DEE): Opportunities and Challenges. A panel of ESA Presidents
Terry Chapin, 2010-2011 – “The 4DEE framework’s integration of human-environment interactions for ecology concepts helps us learn how to discuss ecology across societies and with the general public”
Ann Bartuska, 2002-2003– “The 4DEE framework trains ecologists to focus on systems thinking and interconnections which helps connect ecology to the general public, and also connects undergraduate science education to K-12 more effectively”
Scott Collins ,2012-2013– “The 4DEE framework shows what ESA and ecologists should all be doing to proactively showcase ecology in the public schools and undergraduate programs”
Kay Gross, 1998-1999 – “The 4DEE framework helps validate the need for fieldwork in undergraduate ecology education and supports resource allocation for integrating the science of ecology effectively into undergraduate biology programs” “ Make sure that we integrate the importance of dispersal processes into the 4DEE framework”
Laura Huenneke, 2018-2019 – “I am thrilled to see the development of this 4DEE framework because it helps ecology faculty prepare students to deal with real world environmental issues” “Keep in mind that collaboration skills needed by ecologists will include learning how to collaborate with people other than ecologists”
Richard Pouyat, 2017-2018 – “The 4DEE framework can be used to evaluate ecology understanding and develop continuing education training for environmental professionals, in the ESA Certification program and to help with the “Extending the Tent” ESA initiative”