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Use of 4DEE logo – Publishers


ESA welcomes interest from all parties, commercial and non-commercial, in its Four-Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework. 

Commercial Uses 

Prior registration is required to use the 4DEE logo for commercial purposes in print or digital books, magazines, newspapers, reports or other types of written materials. This also includes events where attendees are required to pay a fee. 

Non-commercial uses

Registration is not required for uses that are primarily illustrative, such as in presentations, internal newsletters, non-financial or annual reports and other corporate materials to communicate organization’s 4DEE-related activities and support for 4DEE.

However, ESA welcomes optional registration so we can have an idea of the reach of 4DEE. 


For commercial products and events, the use of 4DEE logo requires

  • The disclaimer: “The content of this publication or commercial product or service has not been approved by the Ecological Society of America, its leadership or its committees and does not reflect the views of the community.”
  • Highly visible image of the 4DEE logo.
  • The link to the 4DEE website.
  • Registration of intent 

The registration of Intent to use the 4DEE logo must be submitted along with:

  • anticipated date of product release / event
  • sample of front matter or other mock description indicating placement of 4DEE logo and link to 4DEE website 
  • description with or without recommended text describing 4DEE (see below)

Recommended Text 

To describe 4DEE, we suggest the following text:

In 2018, the Ecological Society of America (ESA) endorsed The Four-Dimensional Ecology Education Framework (4DEE), which promotes eco-literacy through encouraging integration of Ecology Concepts, Ecological Practices, Human-Environment Interactions, and Cross-cutting Themes


please contact 


To register the use of the 4DEE logo, please submit your information through this form.


4DEE Communications
Is your intended use of the 4DEE logo for commercial or non-commercial use?

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