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TEE Conference Presentation Form

To be completed after your presentation, this form is designed to keep a record of all the presentations conducted by participants of the Transforming Ecology Education to 4D (TEE RCN) faculty mentoring networks. 


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FMN & Ambassador Post Conference
Select the most appropriate option below
Please spell out in full. Many societies share the same acronym.
Presentation format
Did you have any co-authors?
Please enter the actual date of your presentation MM/DD/YYYY.
Did you form any connections for potential collaborations or other activities as a result of your presentation?
Please describe any connections you may have made for future collaborations or other activities as a result of your presentation.
Please describe briefly your reflections of the event, interest of audience, or anything else that might be helpful to improve such dissemination at future events. Your insights will help us be a better support to other participants.

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Please upload presentation files and/or participant handout materials. Thank you!