Letter from the chair
Welcome to the Applied Ecology Section webpage of the Ecological Society of America. We hope you find this site useful. We have provided information on the officers of the section, annual activities, our bylaws, and past and current newsletters.
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News and announcements
Applied Ecology will be giving out some new awards this year! To be eligible for all the below awards, you must be an active member of the APPLIED ECOLOGY section. Only costs $5.00! FLASH Earth Stewardship contest for the best interdisciplinary presentation or poster that exemplifies Earth Stewards. Co-hosted with Agrocecology and Human Ecology, the FLASH contest is a fun way to vote for your favorite interdisciplinary presentation or poster during the annual contest and win up to $250!!! Come by our booth at ESA 2014 to get a ballot form and win FLASH prizes for best poster (announced at the end of ESA so you can vote many many times).
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Student Information
The Applied Ecology Section (AES) offers several student travel awards each year funded in part from section membership dues. Please check on the main ESA meeting page for announcements concerning upcoming travel awards for 2017 from other sections.
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