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Past Awardees

Thomas Frost Award Recipients

2022 – Chase Rakowski, University of Texas at Austin. “Predator complementarity dampens variability of phytoplankton biomass in a diversity-stability trophic cascade” Citation: Rakowski, Farrior, Manning and Leibold. 2021. Ecology. 102: e03534.

2021 – Clara Shaw, University of Michigan. “Shedding light on environmentally transmitted parasites: lighter conditions within lakes restrict epidemic size” Citation: Shaw, Hall, Overholt, Cáceres, Williamson and Duffy. 2020. Ecology. 101: e03168.

2018 – Alyssa Gehman, University of Georgia. “Host and parasite thermal ecology jointly determine the effect of climate warming on epidemic dynamics” Citation: Hayes, Vanni, Horgan and Renwick. 2018. PNAS. 115: 744-749.

2017 – Alexander Strauss. “Habitat, predators and host regulate Daphnia through direct and indirect pathways”.
Citation: Strauss, Shocket, Civitello, Hite, Penczykowski, Duffy, Cáceres, Hall. 2016. Ecological Monographs. 86: 393-411.

2016 – Meredith Holgerson, Yale University. “Reconciling the role of terrestrial leaves in pond food webs: a whole ecosystem experiment”. Citation: Holgerson, Post and Skelly, 2016. Ecology 97: 1771-1782.

2015 – Nicole Hayes, Miami University. “Climate and land use interactively affect lake plankton nutrient limitation status”. Citation: Hayes, Vanni, Horgan and Renwick. 2015. Ecology 96: 392-402.

2014 – Ashkaan Fahimipour, University of Florida. “The dynamics of assembling food webs”  Ecology Letters 17: 606-613

2013 – David Civitello, Indiana University. “Parasite consumption and host interference can inhibit disease spread in dense populations” Ecology Letters 16: 626-634

2012 – Travis Ingram, Harvard University. “Intraguild predation drives evolutionary niche shift in threespine stickleback” Evolution 66: 1819-1832

2011 – James M. Hood, University of Minnesota. “Diet Mixing: Do Animals Integrate Growth or Resources across Temporal Heterogeneity?” American Naturalist 176:651-663

2010 – Evan H. Campbell Grant, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. “Use of multiple dispersal pathways facilitates amphibian persistence in stream networks.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107:6936-6940.

2009 – Jennifer Howeth, University of Texas. “Planktonic dispersal dampens temporal trophic cascades in pond metacommunities.” Ecology Letters 11: 245-257.

2008 – Alison Derry, Queens University . “Adaptive reversals in acid tolerance in copepods from lakes recovering from historical stress.” Ecological Applications 17: 1116-1126.

2007 – Peter McIntyre, Cornell University. “Fish extinctions alter nutrient recycling in tropical freshwaters.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104(11): 4461-4466

2006 – Wendy Palen. “Impact of UV-B exposure on amphibiam embryos: linking species physiology and oviposition behavior” Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 272:1227-1234

2005 – James Vonesh. “Complex life cycles and density dependence: assessing the contribution of egg mortality to amphibian declines.” Oecologia 133:325-333

2004 – Thomas Okey. “Macrobenthic colonist guilds and renegades in Monterey Canyon drift algae: partitioning multidimensions.” Ecological Monographs 73:415-440

2003 – Cynthia Kolar. “Ecological predictions and risk assessment for alien fishes in North America.”
Science 298:1233-1236

2002 – Jonathan Shurin. “Dispersal limitation, invasion resistance, and the structure of pond zooplankton communities.” Ecology 81:3074-3086.

Exceptional Promise in Graduate Research Award Recipients

2022 – Cindy Paquette, Université du Québec à Montréal. “Environmental drivers of taxonomic and functional variation in zooplankton diversity and composition in freshwater lakes across Canadian continental watersheds” Limnology and Oceanography

2021 – Florian Lüskow, University of British Columbia. “Gelatinous and soft-bodied zooplankton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: organic, elemental, and energy contents” Marine Ecology Progress Series

2020 – Katelyn King, Michigan State University. “Drivers and spatial structure of abiotic and biotic properties of lakes, wetlands, and streams at the national scale”, published in Ecological Applications

2019 – Marie-Pier Hébert, McGill University. “The overlooked impact of rising gylphosate use on phosphorus loading in agricultural watersheds” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

2017 – Celia Symons. “Climate constrains lake community and ecosystem responses to introduced predators”.
Citation: Symons, Shurin. 2016. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 283: 20160825.

2016 – Tanner Williamson, Miami University. “Warming alters coupled carbon and nutrient cycles in experimental streams” Williamson et al. 2016. Global Change Biology 22: 2152-2164.

2015 – Jacob Zwart, Notre Dame. “Phytoplankton traits predict ecosystem function in a global set of lakes.”
Zwart, Solomon and Jones. 2015. Ecology 96: 2257-2264.

2014 – John Crawford, University of Wisconsin. “Ebullitive methane emissions from oxygenated wetland streams” Global Change Biology 20: 3408-3422.

2013 – Meryl Mims, University of Washington. “Life history theory predicts fish assemblage response to hydrologic regimes” Ecology 93: 35-45.

Best Student Talk Award Recipients

2020 Philip Georgakaos, University of California, Berkeley. “Pacific lamprey redd building facilitates juvenile steelhead feeding”.

2020 Kwanmok Kim, University of Florida. “Do species preferences for 3D interstitial space characteristics drive community composition?  An example from oyster clusters.”

2020 Emily Ryznar, University of California, Los Angeles. “Rapid growth, competitive release via disturbance, and low herbivory pressure facilitate the invasion of a brown marine alga into forests of giant kelp.

2019 Sebastian Heilpern, Columbia University. “Community consequences of indiscriminate overharvest in large tropical rivers”.

2018: Carolina Guitérrez, Colorado State University. “Aquatic insect functional diversity along canopy coverage, elevation and water temperature gradients in Rocky Mountain streams”.

2017: Chelsea Little, University of Zurich. “Spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystem fluxes and biodiversity in stream catchments”.

2016 – Chelsea Little, EAWAG, Best Student Talk, ESA Aquatic Ecology Section

2015 – Allison Barner, Oregon State University. “Predicting species response to climate change: the role of evolutionary relatedness, environmental distribution, and physiology.”

2014 – Lauren McCarthy, East Carolina University. “How do differences in species hatching phenology and the presence of predators affect population and ecosystem level properties of aquatic food webs?”

2012 – Kate Boersma, Oregon State University. “Top predator extinctions in drying streams modify community structure and ecosystem functioning”

2009 – Kristine Grayson, University of Virginia. “Migrating versus residency in a pond-breeding amphibian: Sex-based trade-offs and environmental influences”

2006 – Meghan Duffy, “Is the enemy of my enemy really my friend? The combined effects of selective predators and virulent parasites on Daphnia populations?

2004 – Wendy Palen,  “UV impacts on alpine amphibians: Linking UV tolerance with field exposure”

2003 – Patrick Crumrine “Examining the role of size structure on intraguild predation in larval odonates”

2002 – Heather Vance-Chalcraft “Evaluating the prevalence of non-additivity for multiple predator species in aquatic systems”

2001 – Mark Scheuerell “Effect of incident light on the diel vertical migration of juvenile sockeye salmon in Alaska lakes”