Opportunities in the Biogeosciences
ESA Biogeosciences Career Panel
We are excited to announce this workshop( and panel) on Careers in Biogeosciences. This workshop will consist of a series of short (~10 minutes) presentations from successful professionals in governmental research, non-profit conservation, science policy, and academia, followed by a moderated question and answer session as well as a discussion period for the panelists and audience. The presentations will focus primarily on the types of decisions that led the panelists down their career paths and the skills and resources they view as key factors in their journey. The workshop will also provide resources, including useful links and contact information, for audience members. The workshop is expected to last 90 minutes and be roughly half presentation time and half Q&A. Please register by filling out this google form.

New mentoring program
ESA Biogeosciences Mentoring/Networking Planning Workshop was virtually held on March 11 (3-4:30 pm Eastern Time). Reach out to section leaders if you want to get involved or are interested to learn more.
Previous Email sent to section mailing list:
Dear Biogeosciences Section,
We hope you are finding some time to rest and recover after what has been a long and difficult year. Before we move into holiday mode, we wanted to share an idea for a new mentoring program that we’d like to pilot with our section. Based on surveys and discussions, we identified a need for greater support of our community members, particularly early-career and BIPOC folks.
We’ll follow up again in the new year, but for now, you are encouraged to take a look at this one-page roadmap for implementing a mentoring and networking program for Biogeosciences:
If you have time over the break, we welcome your feedback, either as comments on the document or via email. Please send email feedback to: esabiogeoscience@gmail.com
Take care,
Biogeosciences Leadership Team
If you would like to have job advertisement posted to our listserve and on our website, please send an e-mail to esabiogeoscience@gmail.com and make sure to include a concise (1-paragraph) description of the position along with a web link to the full advertisement. We will post your add within one week of it being received.
You may also post your job advertisement directly to our Facebook.