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Approved Providers

ESA approves the following providers of scientific content as suitable to count toward CEU in the Society’s certification and encourages all certified ecologists seeking CEU to consider these sources and their events. More providers will be added on a rolling basis with a minimum goal of at least 30 by 2023 and 50 by 2025.

Any suitably scientific or professional content offered by these providers is eligible. For instance, in addition to the live events listed below, you can include courses offered online like this on-demand selection from SSSA or even recorded webinars like in this series from CSSA.

Please note, however, that any suitable scientific or professional content will be approved even if they are not from approved providers as long as they meet our program’s requirements.

Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies

Citizen Artist™

Duke Farms

Entomological Society of America


Society of American Foresters

Society for Conservation Biology

The Wildlife Society

University of Wisconsin-Madison— Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies


We want to know what you want us to feature! Does your company host technical training? Do you know of great management courses? Tell us about them so that we can work to include them in this list!

Certification Event or Training Submission
Are you referring a specific organization or opportunity, suggesting a subject or sharing thoughts?