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Courses Available from the Center for Wildlife Studies

Logo of the Center for Wildlife StudiesThis provider offers virtual and live, in-person courses relevant to the biological sciences, physical sciences and math, ecological modeling and statistics, and other topics of use to a professional ecologist. The schedule of offerings rotates over the course of the year, so please visit CWS’s website if you do not see courses that meet your needs on our calendar.

CWS Courses Approved for CEU

Our Board of Professional Certification reviewed the syllabi for the following courses and approved their use for CEU. Courses not yet offered by CWS at the time this table was compiled may count as well; contact to confirm.

CWS offers a specialized professional certificate in Applied Quantitative Ecology designed for full-time researchers, graduate students, environmental consultants, conservation specialists, and resource management practitioners. All courses within this program are at the graduate level, ensuring a comprehensive and specialized learning experience.

Additionally, CWS courses have received approval for 1-3 semester credit hours of qualified coursework. This coursework can be used to fulfill the Biological Sciences or Chemistry, Physical Sciences, and Mathematics minimum education requirements to apply for certification as an ecologist at any level.

Educational Requirement Course CEU Category CEU Value
Biological Sciences

Sea Turtle Ecology & Conservation (Online) I(a) 4
Sea Turtle Ecology & Conservation (Field) I(a) 4
Plant Identification for Wildlife Biologists I(a) 4
Plant Community Assessment I(a) 4
Bat Ecology, Conservation, and Management I(a) 4
Chemistry, Physical Sciences, & Mathematics




Geographic Information Sciences (4 courses)
Introduction to Spatial Analysis in QGIS I(a) 4
Introduction to Remote Sensing  I(a) 4
Geospatial Modeling with QGIS and R I(a) 4
Ecological Drone Data Acquisition and Analysis I(a) 4
Applied Quantitative Ecology  (6 courses, certificate)
R Boot Camp for Ecologists & Wildlife Biologists I(a) 4
Introduction to Ecological Statistics and Modeling  I(a) 4
Introduction to Occupancy Modeling I(a) 4
Capture-Mark-Recapture I(a) 4
Introduction to Bayesian Modeling in Ecology I(a) 4
Model Averaging in Ecology I(a) 4
Generalized Linear, Additive, & Mixed Models I(a) 4
Research Design I(a) 4
Ecological Multivariate Community Analysis I I(a) 4
Ecological Multivariate Community Analysis II I(a) 4
Microplastic Pollution and Ecotoxicology I(a) 4


For CEUs Only

Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation V 4
Wildlife Chemical Immobilization (Field) I(a) 4
Wildlife Chemical Immobilization (Online) I(a) 4
Writing about Research for Impact and Influence I(b) 4
Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research and Monitoring I(a) 4
Transdisciplinary Human-Wildlife Conflict Management & Resolution (Online) I(a) 4
Working and Partnering with Conservation Canines I(a) 4