#ESA100 SciComm Socializing
Next week’s theme: mmixxx, mix, mix, and mingle!
If you aim to connect with fellow SciComm buffs and advocates, you will have loads of opportunities at #ESA100. Of course, there’s the SciComm Section workshop, “Communicating Science Vividly.” We’re also curating a list of SciComm-related activities being held throughout the annual meeting. And on an informal note, there are a few SciComm-specific social sessions lined up.
Here are those socializing-specific highlights:
- SciComm Section Business meeting: Monday, August 10, 2015: 6:30 PM; Stone, Hilton
- Joint mixer with Policy Section: Mixer will follow business meeting and will be held at Alewife; 21 N Eutaw St; 410.545.5112. If you’re at the business meeting, we’ll all plan to walk over to the mixer location as a group.
- Happy Hour with ESA Communications Team and DC Science Writers Association: The DC Science Writers Association and ESA Comm Team have invited us to join their happy hour. Tuesday, August 11, 2015; 6:00-8:00 PM at Peter’s Pour House; 111 Mercer Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 (Corner of Water & Grant Streets) MAP.
Details: ESA Communications Officer Liza Lester will heading over at about 5:45 and folks are welcome to gather at the press room and walk as a group. The press room is to the right (north side) of the exhibition hall entrance, off the ground floor Charles Street Lobby (which is also where the registration booths will be set up). The lobby entrance is at the corner of Pratt and Charles.