Wanted: You! Nominations now open for 2018-2020 chair-elect position


(Photo by Bethann Garramon Merkle, ©2018)

As we mentioned in the April newsletter, nominations are now open for the next Communication and Engagement Section chairperson-elect.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your scicomm skills while contributing to others’, this is a fantastic opportunity. It’s also a great way to learn more about how ESA governance works, at multiple levels.

Now’s your chance! Nominate yourself for an #ESASciComm officer position!

  • Officer nominations are open through May 18.
  • Please use this Google Form to submit your nomination.
  • A detailed Chairperson-elect description is available in the nomination form.
  • **The section has modest funding from our successful ESA Long-range Planning grant available to help officers with meeting attendance expenses.**
  • Elections will follow, by email/Google Form, following the nomination period. The new chairperson-elect will be announced before the registration deadlines for ESA2018 and will ideally attend the meeting to participate in, get introduced to, etc., the business of running the section at the meeting.

Want to know more about the Section before you sign up?

Feel free to email current Section Chair, Bethann Garramon Merkle, (bmerkle[at]uwyo.edu) or connect with her on Twitter (@CommNatural) with any questions you have.