Resource of the Week: Art = Opportunity (research-based talking points with citations)
If you are working in, interested in, and/or supportive of art-science integration, this extensive list of citations curated by Art = Opportunity may be useful for your project justification, fundraising efforts, etc.
Excerpt from the Art = Opportunity project website:
“ART=OPPORTUNITY is a campaign started in San Diego County, funded by a grant from the Stuart Foundation, and highlighting arts literacy as vital to student success. Arts Education matters for ‘every child, not just mine.’
Arts literate students make a difference in our community. Literacy is more than being able to read word-based texts. Our 21st century life is filled with visual symbols we read and interpret on a daily basis from apps on our smartphones to signs on the road. The visual and performing arts are texts we read and interpret giving us insight into culture and history as well as a forum to communicate our humanity. Students who are arts literate have more opportunities than those who do not when it comes to getting a good job, making a difference in society, and attaining an exemplary education.”