Vote now for the C&E Section’s next Chairperson-elect and Secretary!
If you are a current Section member, please check your inbox for an email with a link to the voting form. Voting* will close on February 12, 2019.
Section officer elections are key, and your vote matters. Officers:
- plan a lot of the annual meeting trainings,
- collaborate with other sections and governance committees to ensure comm & engagement topics are on the table, and
- manage the section’s publishing initiatives
- and more!
Please cast your vote for one of the fantastic candidates for the Chairperson-Elect and Secretary positions. Candidate bios and vision statements are embedded within the voting form.
Thank you for participating in this important governance process.
*Voting is open to all current C&E Section members. If you are not sure if your membership is current, please contact us directly. We’ll check the most recent roster we have from ESA.