2014 Annual Meeting
Before the Communication and Engagement Section officially existed, we hosted WK 15 – Beyond the Written Word: Advancing Ecology Communication Through Multimedia at #ESA2014 Our goals were to advance scicomm skills and expose participants to various ways of doing science communication.
The following information details what the 2014 workshop was about and highlights both the instructors and some of the content that was produced by participants and instructors alike.
Workshop products
- Multimedia SciComm Resource Guide – compiled by instructors, with special sections on sketching, writing, photography, and audio-visual, plus scicomm in general, social media, etc.
- A short ‘tongue-in-cheek’ guide to better PowerPoint Presentations by Simon J. Brandl
- Pikas on Ice by Holly Menninger
- New Frontiers in Eco-Communication by Clarisse Hart
- Materials from WK 15 – PowerPoint presenations on sketching, writing, photography, and audio-visual
- Eco-Tone series on Science Communication – a series of blog posts on ESA’s blog leading up to the 2014 workshop:
Workshop Description
- No previous sci-comm experience is necessary.
- Our workshop targets ecologists, educators, and communicators – those looking to expand their toolbox, and those curious to test the waters of science communication for the first time.
- Click here for workshop description in the ESA 2014 online program
- Workshop: Hands-on micro-workshops in audio, illustration, photography, video and writing
- Outcomes: Experience with basic (free) tools and apps; exposure to multimedia communication
- Product: Here’s the most exciting part of the workshop: you’ll form a small team with workshop presenters and other participants to plan and produce a multimedia project covering some aspect of the science at the meeting. We’ll even provide a platform for you to share these multimedia pieces with the world: a special series published right here and on the EcoTone blog. And don’t worry – we’re not looking for journalistic masterpieces, and we know everyone has a story to tell.
- Sunday, August 10, 2014 from 12:00 PM-5:00 PM
- Sacramento Convention Center, Room 301
- We’re empowering ecologists to better communicate the stories of our science (including stories about the people doing the science) in creative and compelling ways.
- We will give you tools – and confidence – to engage, communicate, and create!
Meet the team
Contributing instructors: