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2016 Annual Meeting

ESA annual meeting logo for 2016

The SciComm Section is hosting the following sessions:

Connecting and communicating about the conference via social media? Here are our hashtag recommendations: #ESASciComm & #ESA2016.

Next, the following email newsletter was recently sent to all #ESASciComm Section members, along with non-members on our mailing list. If you’ll be/are at #ESA2016, please connect with us!

It’s Annual Meeting time once again, and we’re looking forward to seeing you in Ft. Lauderdale! Below is a brief update to help you get ready:

  • NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY: Section members interested in having their work reviewed or volunteering their expertise as a reviewer during the Tuesday workshop should get in touch with workshop organizer Clarisse Hart (
  • SPREAD THE WORD #ESASCICOMM: The popular #sketchyourscience activity is making a comeback at #ESA2016. We need your help to bring this activity to Ft. Lauderdale and to make sure SciComm is on ecologists’ minds throughout the week.
  • POP BY THE BOOTH: Besides a sketching station, our booth in the Exhibit Hall will have a SciComm job board, list of SciComm events at ESA, a SciComm book raffle, info about our mixer & business meeting, and more.
  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Sign up for a shift at the Sci Comm Section Booth(we’re partnering with our friends in the Science Policy Section). It’s a great way to meet other science communicators and share your enthusiasm for all things #ESASciComm.
  • BUSINESS MEETING AND MIXER: Wednesday, August 10, 2016: 6:30 – 8p in FLCC 318 followed by informal social at a location TBD. Stay tuned to #ESASciComm for more info.
  • NOMINATE YOURSELF: Officer nominations are now open* and we’ll hold elections in October. If you are interested in running for section chair, chair-elect or secretary, please review the section by-laws for information about officer duties and feel free to email me or catch me at the meeting with any questions you have.
  • PAY YOUR DUES: 2016 marked the first year that the Sci Comm Section could collect membership dues. Thanks to so many of you who officially signed up. If you wish to continue receiving emails and would like to participate in the upcoming election, join the official roster by checking the Sci Comm Section box when you pay your ESA membership dues!
  • ESA SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES: Please do familiarize yourself with ESA’s Social Media Guidelines.  Live tweets (#ESA2016) are welcome, but remember no photographs, video, or audio recording during scientific sessions (talks and posters). And do respect the Opt-Out icon.
  • SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT: We welcome guest posts on the blog. Pitch us an idea.

Looking forward to seeing and interacting with so many of you in August!

Holly Menninger, Sci Comm Section Chair

*This is a corrected link to the nomination form, so please, nominate away!

If you’re looking for even more SciComm at the conference, here are some sessions that caught our attention.

This list is in development. If you are aware of an activity or session taking place which relates to SciComm, feel free to suggest we add it to the list by emailing or by using the comments section below. Our webmaster will update this page as often as possible.

Sessions are listed below according to type: Social, Workshops, Talks, etc.


  1. SciComm Section Business Meeting & Mixer: Wednesday, August 10, 2016: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. FLCC 318 – Join us for a brief engaging (we promise!) business meeting where we’ll discuss how to allocate our budget, finalize plans for the 2016 officer election, and start planning for #ESA2017. Afterward, let’s adjourn to a local watering hole to talk #scicomm, network, and catch up. Looking forward to hanging out with you and getting your input for the direction of the section in 2016-2017.


  1. WK 11 – Exploring Diverse Career Pathways in Ecology
  2. WK 21 – COMPASS Training: Communicate the So What of Your Science With the Message Box
  3. WK 29 – Entrepreneurial Ecology: Applying Yourself Outside of the Box
  4. WK 33 – Science Communication Mentoring and Project Review
  5. WK 36 – Career Hour: Transitioning Your Career Beyond Academia
  6. WK 37 – Toe-Tapping Science: A Folk Dance for Photosynthesis
  7. WK 41 – In Your Scientific Opinion: Pitching an Op-Ed

Annual Meeting Sessions related to SciComm

  1. SS 1 – Ecology on the Runway: An Eco-Fashion Show and Other Non-Traditional Public Engagement Approaches
  2. SS 7 – Engaging with the Wider World: True Tales Told Live
  3. SS 12 – A Climate-Changing Year Towards an Integral Ecology: Integrating Education, Justice, Faith Community Partnerships, Earth Stewardship, and Public Policy