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Outstanding Paper Award

2024 Call for Nominations for the Outstanding Paper Award! 

We are delighted to begin accepting nominations for the outstanding student paper award. All current graduate students and recent Ph.D. recipients (within two years of receiving the Ph.D.) are eligible for this award. This is an excellent opportunity to honor and showcase the scientific contributions of our student members!

Nominations must meet the following requirements:

  1. The paper must result from research done as a graduate student.
  2. The paper must be in the area of disease ecology.
  3. The paper must be published in a peer-reviewed journal between January 2023 and the nomination date.
  4. The nominee must be the first author of the paper.
  5. The nominee must be a graduate student or have received their Ph.D. within two years of the nomination deadline.
  6. The nominee must be a current member of the ESA Disease Ecology section.

Applications will be reviewed by the Awards Committee appointed by the Officers of the Disease Ecology Section. Papers will be judged based on their contribution to the field, including originality, study design, methods and analysis, and impact.

A complete nomination packet should include:

  • A copy of the paper
  • current CV of the nominee
  • letter of support from someone other than the nominee describing the contribution of the paper to the field. The letter should also confirm the eligibility of the nominee by stating the date of completion of the degree (if the nominee is no longer a student) or verifying that the nominee is a current graduate student. Letters may be sent separately from the paper and the CV.

Applications should be submitted electronically as pdf files. Please send files to our section’s Chair, Tara Stewart Merrill (tstewartmerrill [at] fsu [dot] edu), with the subject line “ESA Disease Ecology Best Paper Award – [Applicant Last Name]”. 


The winner will be notified prior to the annual meeting and publicly announced during the Disease Ecology Section Mixer at the ESA Meeting.