ESA Disease Ecology members have generously donated a variety of educational resources. Here, you can find a comprehensive list of shared disease ecology syllabi, lecture activities, seminars, and laboratory exercises. Our list is ever growing; if you would like to donate new materials, please reach out to the current section Chair or Vice-Chair.
Course | Description | Contact | Syllabus |
Biology of Infectious Disease | Large intermediate level lecture course for biology majors and non-majors. (Intro or AP Biology prerequisite) |
Antonovics, Janis |
Antonovics Biology of Infectious Disease Course outline and syllabus Spring 2014 |
Intro to Field Biology: Disease Ecology | Small 200-level undergraduate lab course, mixing reading and discussion with field exercises. (Intro or AP Biology prerequisite) | Hood, Michael |
Hood_Intro to Field Biology |
Evolutionary Medicine | Upper-level lecture course for biology and anthropology majors | Eisenberg, Dan |
Eisenberg Spring 2018_EvolutionaryMedicineSyllabus |
Disease Ecology | Upper-level lecture and discussion course for biology majors and graduate students | Kilpatrick, Marm |
Kilpatrick Disease Ecology Syllabus 2018 |
Disease Ecology | Upper-level lecture, discussion, and computer lab course for biology majors | Civitello, David |
Biol 347 Disease Ecology Syllabus – SP19 |
Evolutionary Medicine | Upper-level lecture course for non-majors (link to online lectures) | Stearns, Stephen |
Stearns Evolutionary Medicine Course Syllabus |
Disease Biology | Upper-level undergraduate biology majors and graduate students | Martin, Lynn (Marty) |
Martin Disease Biology 2017 syllabus |
Evolutionary Medicine | Upper-level lecture and discussion course for biology majors | Mideo, Nicole |
Mideo_EEB325_2019_Syllabus |
Disease Ecology | Lab course for first-year biology majors | Searle, Catherine |
Searle_Year1BioLab_DiseaseEcology_Syllabus_2019 |
Peoples & Plagues | Upper-level lecture course | Ryan, Sadie |
Ryan_Peoples&Plagues |
Disease Ecology & Evolution | Upper-level lecture course for biology majors | Mitchell, Charles |
Mitchell_Syllabus Biol 568 Fall 2018 (Nov11) |
Disease Ecology & Evolution | Upper-level lecture and discussion course for biology majors | Woodhams, Doug |
Woodhams_Disease Ecology and Evolution syllabus2018_3 |
Parasite Ecology | Upper-level lecture and lab course for biology majors | Wood, Chelsea |
Wood_Parasite Ecology – Syllabus – AUTUMN 2018 – FINAL |
Evolutionary Medicine | Upper-level lecture and discussion course for biology majors | Martin, Lynn (Marty) |
Martin Evolutionary Medicine, syllabus Fall 2017 |
Evolutionary Medicine | Upper-level lecture and discussion course for biology majors | Antolin, Michael |
Antolin_Evolutionary Medicine – Colorado State Univeirsty BZ 420 Syllabus 2019 |
Evolutionary Medicine | Upper-level lecture and discussion course for biology majors | Cressler, Clay |
Syllabus Evolutionary Medicine 2019 |
Methods in Vector-Borne Disease Ecology | Upper-level lecture and lab course for biology majors | Hamer, Gabe |
Hamer_ENTO_VIBS 426 626 syllabus 1.29.19 |
Emerging Infectious Diseases | Upper-level case-study based course for biology/anthropology majors | Holland Jones, James |
EEID_Syllabus_Winter2018-rev2 |
Disease Ecology | Upper-level lecture and discussion course for biology majors | Searle, Catherine |
Searle_Disease Ecology 2018 syllabus |
Activity | Description | Contact | Link or File |
Diseases I’ve had and heard of |
Simple exercise for first lecture in an introductory course for biology majors or non-majors | Antonovics, Janis |
Ask students to list on two halves of one page |
Lecture on mapping disease | John Snow, Broad Street Pump, disease incidence, appropriate mapping scale. | Dan Salkeld | mapping disease |
Pre-lecture music and poetry | As a lecture warm up, often good to present something fun. Here are a few examples of poems and music (lyrics only).There is lots more out there.and music can be downloaded | Pre-lecture music and poetry | Pre-lecture Music Poems for Disease Biology |
Activity | Description | Contact | Link or file |
Diseases are like the stars | Simple data exercise illustrating that knowledge on parasite diversity is affected strongly by search effort. | Michael Hood |
DISEASES_ARE_LIKE_THE_STARS-1-2017 teachingeeid |
Epidemiology project | Using class photos to investigate contact rates and disease spread, with an SIR model option | Janis Antonovics |
Epidemiology_Assignment Disease Biology |
Disease poster project | Individual projects where students produce a poster or wiki page (instead of a term paper) on a particular disease | Janis Antonovics |
Disease_Poster_Assignment to post |
Activity | Description | Contact | Link or File |
Red Queen game | Students use playing cards to collaboratively act out host-parasite coevolution and test predictions of the Red Queen Hypothesis. Resources can be found at my website. | Mandy Gibson | GibsonDrownLively_2015_RedQueenGame |
DSAIDE R package | R package of different compartmental models to explore various infectious disease topics. Code is wrapped around a GUI so no coding required. | Andreas Handel | package |
Disease transmission in networks | Computer lab requiring students to:
Civitello, David | Lab 3 – Transmission in networks
Disease control | Computer lab requiring students to use simple epidemiological models to determine the vaccination or culling level needed to eliminate a density-dependently transmitted parasite | Civitello, David | Lab 7 – Disease control |
Herd immunity | Simulation activity that simulates measles outbreaks in communities with different levels of vaccination | Shocket, Marta | Random Process Simulation Activity |
Activity | Description | Contact | Link or File |
Quantifying Infection Rates in Natural Populations | (Draft Module) Uses the Drosophila-Howardula System to collect wild mycophagous flies and quantify infection rates by parasitic nematodes. Uses a introductory lab in undergraduate course. Takes two 3-hour labs. | Michael Hood (Amherst College) |
Quantifying Infection Rates in Natural Populations (Drosophila-Howardula System)_Hood_Amherst College |
Testing assumptions of transmission functions | Uses HexBugs to generate data on the transmission of “RoboPox” and gets students to use simple statistics to investigate whether assumptions of density-dependent transmission hold | Civitello, David | Lab 5 – Transmission dynamics of Robo Pox |