Developing Ecologically-Based Conservation Targets Under Global Change:
The 2nd Emerging Issues Conference of the Ecological Society of America
February 27 – March 1, 2012
National Conservation Training Center (NCTC)
Shepherdstown, WV
Conference Agenda
Call For Abstracts (Students and Post-Docs)
Organizing Committee
About the Conference
Sponsors The ESA Governing Board is pleased to announce that the second Emerging Issues/Millennium Conference, “Developing Ecologically-Based Conservation Targets under Global Change,” will be held February 27 – March 1, 2012 in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The conference is co-chaired by Bernd Blossey of Cornell University and Dov Sax of Brown University. This conference will bring together ecologists, land and conservation managers, and students to1) identify both existing and novel conservation targets that are ecologically sound in light of rapid global change, and 2) develop a framework for assessing the inherent tradeoffs, risks, and benefits involved in achieving those conservation targets. The ultimate objective is to provide science-based, practical decision tools for those charged with implementing conservation strategies throughout North America and internationally.
Attendance is primarily by invitation. Twenty student and post-doc participants have been selected from an open call for poster abstracts held early in the fall of 2011.