Call For Abstracts
Developing Ecologically-Based Conservation Targets Under Global Change:
The 2nd Emerging Issues Conference
of the Ecological Society of America
February 27 – March 1, 2012
National Conservation Training Center
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Eligibility: Undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs (at time of conference)
Benefits: Up to 20 awards, each up to $1,000 reimbursed for travel expenses
Application deadline: Thursday, September 29, 2011
ESA’s Governing Board announces the Conference, “Developing Ecologically-Based Conservation Targets under Global Change,” to be held February 27 – March 1 2012 in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The conference is co-chaired by Bernd Blossey of Cornell University and Dov Sax of Brown University. This by invitation only conference at the National Conservation Training Center will include two full days of presentations, discussions, and poster sessions; one day of workshops; and a concluding plenary.
The conference will bring together ecologists, land and conservation managers, and students to 1) identify both existing and novel conservation targets that are ecologically sound in light of rapid global change, and 2) develop a framework for assessing the inherent tradeoffs, risks, and benefits involved in achieving those conservation targets. The ultimate objective is to provide science-based, practical decision tools for those charged with implementing conservation strategies throughout North America and internationally.
The Conference Committee is soliciting submissions of poster abstracts by eligible students and post-docs that relate to the conference theme. Abstracts that break new ground in understanding or managing the impacts of global change on conservation are especially encouraged. Authors may approach the topic through ecology, policy, or education applied to any geographic region, habitat, or species. We are especially interested in integrative approaches that recognize the importance of interdisciplinarity and those bridging traditional divides between natural and social scientists. Abstracts will be reviewed in October and authors will be notified of their acceptance status by November 3, 2011.
Abstract selection criteria
Scope of research
- Is the topic relevant to the conference theme?
- Is the research novel / does it push an existing field in new directions?
Abstract specifics
- Are the objectives of the research clearly articulated?
- Has the applicant situated her- or him-self within a broader literature?
- Does the applicant apply appropriate methods and analysis?
- Does the abstract describe specific results or take home message?
- Would the research broaden the taxonomic or geographic scope of the conference?
- At what stage is the applicant (undergraduate student, graduate student, post-doc)?
- Would the applicant contribute a new disciplinary perspective to the conference?
Note: A final participant group representing gender, ethnic, and disciplinary diversity is a key goal of the conference and as such these factors will be taken into consideration during the abstract review process. The conference committee especially encourages abstract submissions from students and post-docs from underrepresented groups.
How to submit an abstract
You will need the following information to complete the abstract submission process:
1. Poster title
2. Status of presenting author* (undergraduate student, graduate student, post-doc)
3. Author information: name, affiliation, and email address for all authors
4. Abstract body (300 words maximum)
* The author indicated as the presenting author during abstract submission is the author we will consider for the travel award. In order to be eligible for the travel award, the presenting author must be a student or post-doc at the time of the conference.
Follow the link below to submit an abstract:
Authors will be able to return to their abstract and edit it until the September 29, 2011 submission deadline.