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Leanne Jablonski

Jablonski-newI’m an ecologist, educator and pastoral minister in Dayton Ohio where I direct the Marianist Environmental Education CenterMEEC stewards the 100-acre Mount St. John nature preserve and partners with environmental, governmental and faith organizations in our mission of “Restoring communities of Land and People” through ecological restoration, service learning and education. I am also a part-time faculty at the University of Dayton on the Sustainability, Energy, Environment initiative staff and teach courses in Ecology & Religion. My Doctoral studies in Plant Physiological Ecology/Global Climate Change at McGill focused on plant reproductive responses to elevated CO2 and Nitrogen, and as an Ohio State post-Doc I conducted meta-analysis on seed quality responses.

Bridge-building between science and religion has been my journey. My BSc in Plant ecology led me to boreal forest community studies and park-interpreter naturalist work in my native land of Manitoba Canada. I fell in love with the Sacred One I encountered in nature and the Marianist community spirit and became a Sister. After my Biology Masters in Plant Physiology, I completed a Masters in Religious studies, focusing on ministering to the whole person of the scientist and our service role in the world. Over the past two decades, faith communities have awoken to the moral responsibility of earth stewardship and impacts of climate change. My background has prepared me for outreach in Ecology, Spirituality, Justice and environmental education including coordinating Ohio’s first Interfaith Climate & Energy Campaign, working for the Union of Concerned Scientists in Climate Change, Energy and Public Health.

I’ve been an ESA member since 1991, and delight in working with ESA colleagues in growing our Environmental Justice Section and Speakers’ Bureau to faith communities. I’m the Outgoing EJ Section Chair and serve on ESA’s Education and Diversity Committee and am passionate about integrating justice concerns into our work as ecologists and developing our partnerships with other communities.

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