Compendium of Federal Agencies' Policies, Strategies, Work/Implementation Plans, Guidance on Environmental Justice
Federal Interagency Working Group
Federal Agency Strategies
On Monday, February 27th, federal agencies announced their environmental justice strategies and annual implementation reports. Every agency has a unique and important role to play in ensuring that all communities receive the health and environmental protections they deserve. These strategies and implementation reports outline steps agencies will take to protect communities facing greater health and environmental risks.
In August 2011, federal agencies agreed to finalize and post their environmental justice strategies and implementation reports by signing the "Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Justice and Executive Order 12898" (EJ MOU) (PDF) (6 pp, 43K). The signing of the EJ MOU and finalization of these strategies and implementation reports are a part of a broader Administration-wide effort to reinvigorate the Federal commitment to environmental justice. After more than a decade of inaction, federal agencies are now working together to make a real and measurable difference in overburdened communities.
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Department of the Interior
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Veteran's Affairs
- EPA's Plan EJ 2014
- General Services Administration
- Small Business Administration
Historical Documents
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Defense
- Department of Energy
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Department of the Interior
- Department of Justice
- Department of Transportation
- Environmental Protection Agency
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Presidential Executive Order on Environmental Justice - EO 12898 (PDF) (6 pp, 123K)
- EJ IWG's 1995 Report to the President (PDF) (12 pp, 1.3MB)
Department of Agriculture
- Policy:
- Rural Development Blog - Strategy:
- USDA Strategic Plan (PDF) (16 pp, 1.7MB) - 1995
- Guidance:
- Farm Service Agency
Department of Commerce
- Strategy:
- Proposed Strategy to Implement Executive Order 12898: Federal Action to Address Environmental Justice - March 1995
Department of Defense
- Strategy:
- DOD Strategy on Environmental Justice (PDF) (22 pp, 22K) - March 1995
Department of Energy
- DOE Website on Environmental Justice
- Strategy:
- U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Justice Strategy (PDF) (13 pp, 99K) - April 1995
Department of Health and Human Services
- HHS Website on Environmental Justice
- Strategy:
- HHS Environmental Justice Strategic Plan (PDF) (14 pp, 1.3MB) - 1995
Department of Housing and Urban Development
- HUD Website on Environmental Justice
- Strategy:
- HUD Environmental Justice Strategic Plan - 1995
- Work Plan/Implementation:
- A Commitment to Communities: Achieving Environmental Jutice - An Implementation Report (PDF) (10 pp, 39K) - 1996 - Guidance:
- Choosing an Environmentally Safe Site (PDF) (25 pp, 759K) - February 2001
Department of the Interior
- DOI Website on Environmental Justice
- Strategy:
- DOI Environmental Justice Strategic Plan - 1995
- Guidance:
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): Responsibilities Under the Departmental Environmental Justice Policy (PDF) (4 pp, 371K) - Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance – Environmental Compliance Memorandum ECM95-3
- Other Environmental Review and Consultation Requirements (PDF) (6 pp, 416K) - Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance – Environmental Statement Memorandum ESM04-8
Department of Justice
- Strategy:
- Department of Justice Guidance Concerning Environmental Justice (PDF) (10 pp, 566K) - January 1995
- Guidance:
- Department of Justice Guidance Concerning Environmental Justice (PDF) (12 pp, 688K)
Department of Transportation
- Policy:
- US Department of Transportation Order on Environmental Justice - April 15, 1997
- Strategy:
- DOT Environmental Justice Strategic Plan (PDF) (12 pp, 1.2MB) - 1995
- Guidance:
- An Overview of Transportation and Environmental Justice - May 2000
- FHWA Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations - December 2, 1998
Environmental Protection Agency
- Policy:
- EPA's Commitment to Environmental Justice (PDF) (2 pp, 3.56MB) - Former Administrator Johnson, Environmental Justice integration into all programs, policies, and activities (November 3, 2005)
- Strengthening EPA's Environmental Justice Program (PDF) (2 pp, 898K) - Former Administrator Johnson directed EPA's National Program Managers and Regions to conduct EJ Reviews (June 9, 2008)
- Strategy:
- Environmental Justice Strategy (PDF) (21 pp, 103K) - April 3, 1995
- Work Plan/Implementation:
- Action Plans to Integrate EJ - EPA annual and biennial program and regional EJ commitments
- 1996 Environmental Justice Implementation Plan (PDF) (26 pp, 296K)
- Guidance:
- EPA Statutory and Regulatory Authorities Under Which Environmental Justice Issues May Be Addressed in Permitting (PDF) (14 pp, 122K) - Office of General Counsel memo, December 1, 2000
- Final Guidance For Incorporating Environmental Justice Concerns in EPA's NEPA Compliance Analyses (PDF) (76 pp, 304K) - April 1998
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Strategy:
- NASA Environmental Justice Strategic Plan (PDF) (13 pp, 1.3MB) - 1995
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Strategy:
- NRC Environmental Justice Strategic Plan (PDF) (3 pp, 313K) - 1995