Ecology in a Changing World: the #ESA100 centennial video
The Ecological Society turns 100 in 2015. When the society was founded in 1915, ecology was a new field, still defining its scope as a discipline rooted in the study of the relationships of organisms to each other and their environment. The last century has seen the development of the foundations of ecological theory. The discipline continues to expand its boundaries with new ideas, new experimental tools, and the recruitment of young scientists from previously excluded social groups.
Who is the face of ecology in the new millenium? Where do ecologists work and what research questions engage the community? How will ecology bring science to bear on the environmental problems of our age? Ecological scientists at the peak of their careers and those just starting out comment on the state of the discipline as the society enters its second century.
• Jane Lubchenco
• Pamela Matson
• Laura Petes
• Steward Pickett
• Jeramie Strickland
• Kika Tarsi
• Joshua Tewksbury
• Monica Turner
Story, photography & production by Benjamin Drummond/ Sara Joy Steele. Music by Michael Brook. Copyright 2015 Ecological Society of America.