Candidates Sought for Federal Emerging Technology and Research Advisory Committee

The scientific and academic communities for several years have been concerned that many technologies currently included on the federal Commerce Control List (CCL) are too broad and out of date. The CCL is the list used by the U.S. government in deemed export decisions.

The Department of Commerce is currently seeking candidates for a new Emerging Technology and Research Advisory Committee (ETRAC). This technical advisory group will help the Department��s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) ��ensure that export controls continue to apply to sensitive items and keep pace with technological and research innovation without stifling U.S. competitiveness.�� Responsibilities will include recommending which technologies need to remain on or be added to the agency��s technology control list, and addressing the implications of dual-use export control rules on research activities. The Department is looking for individuals with knowledge and background in a wide variety of technological fields and academic science and engineering disciplines. Individuals acquainted with cutting edge and emerging technologies that might pose national security risks are especially needed.

Service on the panel is for one year. A security clearance will be required, but is not necessary to hold in advance.

Participation on this advisory committee is an important opportunity for the academic community to assist the federal government in developing dual-use policies that protect national security and allow the appropriate participation of foreign students and scholars in research activities on university campuses. The advisory committee was created to implement a recommendation by the Commerce Secretary��s Deemed Export Advisory Committee to reduce the number of technologies controlled by deemed export rules.

Nominations are due by June 24, 2008. Interested parties should submit their resume to Ms. Yvette Springer at