Nominate a colleague for an ESA award
by Charles Nilon, ESA Awards Committee Chair
October is upon us and autumn is in full swing. It’s the season of turning leaves, crisp air … and ESA award nominations! And as the chair of ESA’s Awards Committee, I want to make sure that we all enjoy this season together and celebrate outstanding work (and outstanding people) in ecology by nominating those deserving colleagues among us for awards.
Ask yourself: Do I personally know of excellent scientific work by colleagues or others in in my network who may have been overlooked in the past? Are there networks that I’m part of that can help us ensure nominations of diverse candidates? What can I do to create opportunities for this kind of recognition for BIPOC or LGBTQ ecologists?
To be nominated for an ESA award is a tremendous honor; to nominate a colleague is a tremendous sign of respect. In 2014, I was the winner of ESA’s Commitment to Human Diversity in Ecology Award, and I can attest to the impact that winning a scientific award can have both on your career and your time in ESA.
These awards highlight the very best in ecological science, and give ecologists at all career levels an opportunity to be recognized for their important work to the science and to the community, as well as society at large. For winners, they call additional attention to your work, add prestige to your CV and can help to elevate your career.
The deadline for this year’s award nominations is October 22. You can easily find more information about each of our awards and access the online nomination portal. I and the members of the Awards Committee look forward to your nominations.