Giving Opportunities

Equity and Excellence in Ecology Endowment
Your contribution to the Equity and Excellence in Ecology endowment lowers critical barriers and facilitates the full participation of scientists historically underrepresented in ecology.
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SEEDS Program
The mission of SEEDS is to diversify and advance the ecology profession through opportunities that stimulate and nurture the interest of underrepresented students to participate and lead in ecology.
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Opportunity Fund
ESA's Opportunity Fund supports unique initiatives to benefit the community of ecologists. The fund supports dependent care, travel support and program development, including public affairs programs.
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Planned Giving
To learn more about planned giving options, listen to this water cooler chat. Our ESA Executive Director moderates a conversation with long-time donor and former president Norm Christensen, Future Focus financial expert Rich Kellogg and James Carpenter from Fidelity Charitable that provides information to help you make decisions about giving.
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Graduate Student Policy Award
Your contribution to the Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award helps facilitate change at the Congressional level. This award enables graduate students to travel to the nation’s capital, where ESA is headquartered, and meet with lawmakers. Participants learn methods to advocate for funding for environmental research and promote the sciences.
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Student Travel Awards
Contributions to the Les Real and Jim Brown Travel Awards support students who could not otherwise afford to attend the ESA Annual Meeting, managed by the ESA Student Section.
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