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Looking for records on early (or other) ecologists? We have several kinds of biographical materials available. Here are some options:

Braun poses for a photo. Black and white.
Lucy Braun

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Don’t you love these old photos?

It’s fun to check out pioneers in ecology!

A black and white photo of roughly 30 ecologists dressed in coats and ties posing on a wide stairwell of a large building. There are approximately 5 women amongst all white men.
1930 Ames Iowa Group.

1930 Ames Iowa Group
Identifications (incomplete):

  1. W. G. McGinnies, University of Arizona
  2. Ada Hayden, Iowa State University
  3. R. Keinholz, Connecticut
  4. William S. Cooper, University of Minnesota
  5. Charles F. Hottes, University of Illinois
  6. Raymond J. Pool, University of Nebraska
  7. Edwin B. Powers, University of Tennessee
  8. George Elwood Nichols, Yale University
  9. Leslie A. Kenoyer, Western Michigan State Teachers College
  10. J. M. Aikman, Iowa State University
  11. J. A. Larsen, Iowa State University
  12. T. L. Steiger, University of Nebraska
  1. Bell, USDA
  2. Herbert C. Hansen, North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
  3. Victor E. Shelford, University of Illinois
  4. George D. Fuller, University of Chicago
  5. Arthur G. Vestal, University of Illinois
  6. Fraser, Indiana
  7. T. J. Fitzpatrick, University of Nebraska
  8. John E. Weaver, University of Nebraska
  9. Barrington Moore, UK
  10. A. O. Weese, University of Oklahoma
  11. W. C. Allee, University of Chicago